How You Two Met

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You and Calum met in freshman year of high school when you ended up in the same P.E. class.

You guys absolutely loved soccer/football and would constantly challenge each other every chance you got, eventually a beautiful strong bond formed between the both of you and it's beauty continues today.


You were always a true fan when it came to 5 seconds of summer. In fact you were a fan before the boys even figured out their official band name. And because you would constantly tweet at them while they still were growing, it wasn't hard to be recognized.

Ashton always took notice to you, favoriting your tweets, retweeting them, etc. You are one of the rare fans Ashton decided to have endless conversations with and eventually he started to see you as more of a friend rather than a fan.


Luke was very chubby growing up, causing him to not have a lot of social interactions as a kid. One day in your math class he ended up dropping his glasses, so you picked it up for him.

Stuttering, red tomato Luke came into play making you laugh. From there on he would purposely drop something so you would pick it up and he could crack some kind of silly joke or do something to make you smile. Ever since you and Luke have been inseparable.


You met Michael at some random high school party that your ex-boyfriend dragged you too, against your will. It couldn't have been more obvious that you did not want to be there at that moment.

While you were on your phone in the corner, trying to find someone to pick you up from this shit hole, you felt a tap on your hand. It was a dude with messy, dirty blonde hair asking where the bathroom was. You couldn't help but notice his pretty pink lips and gorgeous green eyes. Turns out the dudes name was Michael and he didn't want to be here either. Michael eventually caught on that you wanted to go home so he offered you a ride which you gladly accepted. Once you got to your house, he walked you to your doorstep and said goodbye right after getting your number.

a/n- ouuuuhhh yesss, first official chapter? You like or nahhh?

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