What Type Of Boyfriend He Is

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-The best friend boyfriend.

-Your relationship was built on a strong friendship.

-Open books towards each other.

-a very easy-going relationship.

-The romantic boyfriend.

-Always tries his best to please you with romantic gestures.

-Expresses a lot of PDA and takes you on many dates.

-A love filled relationship.

-The forbidden fruit.                                                                                                                                                             

-He's your best friend's crush

-You get a thrill of being a secret; sometimes you with to go public   

-He lets you know he loves you public or not

-Lots of sleepovers and  movie/cuddle nights                                                                                                          

Michael:                                                                                                                                                                                    --The fan favorite

-Literally everyone and their mother loves him

-Spoils you a lot

-A friend set you two up

-The greatest wing-man                                                                                                                                                                              

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