They Talk About You In An Interview

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-"She's really funny and sweet, so yeah..I do love her a lot."
-Blushes everywhere
-Can't stop smiling

-Creates a big ass speech
-"I've fallen in love with the feeling of love, and there's just no words that can honestly define how I feel for (y/n). She's so perfect in my eyes and I've never been as happy as I am now, and it's all because of (y/n). She lights up my world and I feel like I honestly would be pretty lost without her.
-You end up with sweaty eyes once you see the interview air

-He likes to keep it brief and private
-"She's gorgeous and just absolutely amazing, and I do love her and I hope the family can learn to love her as well."
-By family he means the 5sos fam ♥️

-"I don't think I've ever really known what love was until I met my girlfriend (y/n). She rids me of my blues."
-Everyone fangirls
-Makes everyone else feel single asf

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