Dating Calum Would Incude

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-Holding hands 24/7

-Tickle fights

-Tickle fights that end up with hot make out sessions

-The cute little blush he gets when you kiss him in public

-You would absentmindedly say you like something and he would get it for you without a doubt

-Tracing his tattoo while he's asleep/you're cuddling

-Spontaneous/adventurous dates

-Giving him a massage on stressful days

-Late night drives

-Him calling you darlin'

-You peppering his face with kisses

-Forehead kisses

-Rough and passionate sex

-Him quietly serenading you to sleep

-Butt grabbing

-Lots and lots of kisses

-Tons of "I love you's"

-Having a lot of hickeys (failing to cover them)

-Falling asleep next to him

-Surprising him while he's on tour

-Him teaching you how to play the bass

-Him always touching you whether it's just holding your hand or leaving it on your thigh.

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