Your First Kiss

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-He made the move first
-It was after your third date
-Cupping his face with your hands
-Cute as fuck lemme tell ya

-It was during your first date
-It was a blind date, cause Ashton's into that
-It was kinda awkward, but the funny kind of awkward
-Lots of laughter and kisses after that

-About a week and a half into your relationship
-You guys were chilling at your place
-Movie marathon led into your first kiss
-Wasn't awkward at all, if anything it was smooth as hell

-You made the first move
-About four weeks into your relationship
-He was a little shy and careful
-He was a little embarrassed, but you were reassuring about it
-Snuggles right after, with undying smiles

(a/n)-1K OMG WHO TF?! HOW TF?! It's not a big number in some people's eyes but in mines is sure asf is..i mean i'm such a small wittle bean and this means a lot, ty sm babies..ilyg <3

-Karlee xx

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