Dating Michael Would Include

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-Morning breath kisses

-Cuddling with very few clothes on

-Deep 3am talks

-"I hate you" comebacks

-REALLY dark hickeys

-Hip squeezing

-Neck kisses/biting

-Movie dates

-Singing in the shower together

-Video games

-Netflix marathons

-Lots of cuddles

-Him playing his guitar for you

-"You love me"

-Dirty talk

-Play fighting

-Cooking together

-Ass grabbing

-Sexy pictures

-Concert dates

-Drunk confessions

-Stealing your towel when you're finished

-Shower sex

-Purposely using his scruff to tickle your neck

-Lazy morning sex

-Just a hella lot of sex

-Eskimo kisses

-"I love you" every chance you both get

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