When They Come Home From Tour

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-He sneaks into bad around 1 am, waking you up.
-You gasp (kinda loudly) and hug him
-Watery eyes and billions Of kisses and never ending hugs
-Cuddling for the rest of the night

-You pick him up from the airport
-Running into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist
-"I missed you so much baby"
-Car ride home with the music blasting

-He's so happy to see you
-Tears tears tears
-5sos song punts everywhere *cringe* *CrIngE*
* c r i n g e *
-Romantic date later :)

-Kisses all over his cute ass self
-You wearing his jumper when you see him
-Spoiling the f u c k out of each other
-Cute videos of you two FUCKING EVERYWHERE OH MY GAHD

(a/n)-this is a shit update. mmk. bye.

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