He's Sick

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You got released from work early, thankfully, because you guys didn't have much to complete today. You came home to your small apartment to find your boyfriend fast asleep on the couch. You press the back of your hand to his forehead and feel that he's burning up. Calum's eyes flutter open and slowly he mumbles "the bedroom was too cold." You frown as his bg brown eyes slowly collapse again. You go on and run him a warm shower before helping him out of his stained sweats and hoodie.


Ashton was really sick this entire week. At first it seemed like a minor cold, but then it progressively got worst. There was a reason you guys were in quarentine and the thought of this pandemic frightened you. But you and Ashton hadn't been out since the quarentine had started which was three weeks ago. He continued to throw up, his throat was in severe pain, his coughs were horrible, and his body ached more than anything. You felt horrible because no matter what you would do, nothing seemed to help. Finally, you told Ashton that you guys should go get tested for the Corona Virus and hope for the best. Ashton wasn't completely on bored, mainly because he was scared but you assured him that you both are in this together.


Luke was being such a brat. He got sick a couple of days ago and has just been demanding things left and right. At first he got a sore throat, but said it was due to dehydration. Then he started to cough a lot, but he said it's because his body didn't properly hydrate yet and it takes a few days to kick in. And then he couldn't get out of bed because he was freezing. You were slightly irriated because you continued to tell him he was sick but he blew you off and now you had a sore throat but decided not to say anything so you could care for him. You made him his favorite soup and set him up comfortably in the living room, playing his favorite Netflix show, and covering him up with just enough blankets. "Sorry for being stubborn" he pouted at you. You gave him a small smile and sat next to him on the couch as you both watched Netflix.


You we're not good at taking care of sick people at all. It grossed you out beyond measures, especially when michael is sick. It's like he has never ending snot come out of his nose. You held back your gags as you picked up his tissues throughout the day and threw his laudry covered in mucus in the wash. He told you sorry many of times because he truly felt bad, but you told him it was fine and you love him. You didn't really know what to do seeing as you rarely got sick, so you called his doctor and had him give you directions from there.

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