You Tell Them You're Bisexual

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-Shocked as fuck
-"That's hot?"
-Threesome jokes all the time
-He's very supportive

-The most supportive and loving bean you could ever ask for
-He seems so fascinated with your story and how you came to terms with yourself
-Loves you even more than he did before

-Proud of you
-Feels kind of uneasy about it
-Doesn't like that there is more competition..(he really doesn't want to lose you)
-Loves you still no matter what

-He's not really surprised
-You used check out girls more than he used to
-He doesn't really talk about it
-But always lets you know that you're perfect just the way you are and he'll love you forever and always

(a/n)-So this one goes out to all of my bisexual baddies, and if you're questioning then hey this goes out to you too!! x

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