They Cheat

553 16 10

-You walk in on him cheating with another girl
-You don't say anything, nor cry.
-Walk tf outta that room and leave for hood..i mean good
-"(y/n), (y/n) wait it's not what it looks like!"
-Middle fingers up and high

-He butt dialed you as he was sweet talking the other chick
-You hang up and call him back
-Lots of cursing and swearing through the phone
-"(y/n) it was a prank, I promise..why would I do that?"
-"Fuck you fletcher"
-The distance was getting frustrating and he needed a distraction

-He doesn't even try to hide it
-You walk into the club he's at with her and dump his drink on him
-Flip the girl off
-A few tears being shed as you walk out

-He tells you himself
-You cry in his arms for a good hour or so
-"I'm so sorry babe, i'll never do it again"
-He was drunk and upset over your argument

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