Chapter 5

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When I came home I finished the hat with a French flag going over it. Finally complete I sighed and walked to school.

I had to put my hat on a pedestal... Really? Well alright I did work on it for a whole while but still.

And after waiting a little the Argreste assistant came not even himself like what. At least he was on some sort of pad watching through the assistants pad but still.

After Chloé got caught for cheating and Marinette showed of her hat, it was finally my turn.

"What do we have here miss?" Mr Argreste voice came out of the tablet.

"Made by bandages and with a French flag on top" I supplied simply my hoodie still covering my face.

"Why bandages?" Mr Argreste questioned as if disgusted by the hat.

"Not everything is perfect including this country" came my blank reply.

"Weary well congratulations on winning the competition miss?" Came Mr Argreste bored reply.

"Y/N" I answered.

"Adrien will wear your hat on our next marketing campaign"

Adrien came over and started to congratulate me. "You did well Y/N!"

"No problem" came my answer. And I could of sworn I saw him blushing before I turned around to walk home.

When I started to walk away Adrian said. "Will you take of your hood so we could see what you look like"

I turned around to see everyone in class looking at me I guess they didn't know... Let's keep it that way.

"No" Came my lame answer as i then I walked out of the school.

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