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At 12 pm I got a call from my oldest son. He sounded as if he had just woken up.

"Appa Joon... Youngjae's Appa is bringing us over, we're on the way now."

"How was your night? Did you lose your virginity?" The phone went dead. "Hello?"

A warm hand went over my bare back and I smiled. "Was that Yoongi?" I nod. "Something is off about Youngjae's father... he was...scared or something. I feel that he knew Yoongi even before he went over."

"There are so many Yoongi's in this world. Have you seen the rapper j? His real name is Min Yoongi." I mumbled, rolling over into the warmth of my boyfriend. "We need to get married soon before we're walking cane to wheelchair."

"I think you'll look cute in a wheelchair."

"Who said I was the one in the wheelchair?"

"I'll be a healthy old man, and plus I'll-"

"No dirty talk before 7." Seokjin kisses me softly and I smiled.

"You think the kids are up?"

"Most likely, they went to sleep early so I'd bet they woken up before 8 am." He stands up to grab some pajama bottoms and throws me some too, along with his "Mrs Cupid" shirt that he won in a competition he told me.

"When will we pick the kid up?"

"They're actually on their way." Panic flashed in his eyes as he made a run for the bedroom door.

"I gotta clean! I gotta cook! I don't want to make a bad first impression on Mr. whatever his name is!" I only sat back and laughed.

I walked out soon after my man, and I couldn't tell you where he went first. Jungkook was sleeping on the stairs with his leg stuck in between two of the bars. "Kookie?" He flinched But didn't budge much.

"He's been stuck since this morning when he tried to climb down the stairs on them and slipped." Hoseok walked past me eating a sandwich. "I made everyone sandwiches, the twins aren't little today."

"You're doing great and all as the oldest...but how come you didn't help him out?"

"It's better than having him running everywhere."

"Hoseok...that's not good."

It hurt my poor heart as his head dropped. "I'm sorry Appa..."

"Just help him out." I looked over the ramp. "Where even are the twins?"

"Backyard in the chairs. Some birds were flying and they wanted to watch."

"Good, good....is the house in a decent condition?"


"Why the hesitation?"

"Maybe because the living room looks like a fucking barnyard!" An angry Jin marched up the steps. "

"In all honesty...it was my fault."

"Hoseok hyung, wanna watch The Missing Chainsaws?" my eyes widened.

"No Jimin, that movie is too scary for people our ages!"

"But Tae and I wanna watch it, so you could either be a scary baby or you could watch it with us."

"I-I found it o-on Netflix...t-the trailer l-looks really bloody." He smiled. Taehyung was a monster.

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