Two weeks before genin exams

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 Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Adventure, Naruto U., Hayate G., Words: 125k+, Favs: 261, Follows: 360, Published: May 20, 2017 Updated: Feb 7144Chapter 1

A/N: Thank you for your support and the reviews.

Random Name1: Welcome to the story. I hope to continue hearing from you. I am at the request of an old friend I am writing this one. If you want more chapters, please review.

Naruto's POV

He was listening to Iruka's lecture about clone jutsu. Despite popular belief he did listen to his sensei. It was everyone treating him like a monster that made him act out. All he wanted was to have a family or even just a single friend. His head came up when the bell rang signaling the end of class.

With a sigh he stood up and left the classroom ignoring all the other kids that were happy to be going home. How could he feel the same happiness as the others when he had no one waiting at home for him? He had given up on trusting adults all it brought him was pain. Even Iruka sensei. They all thought he was a monster but he would prove them wrong by becoming Hokage one day.

He made his way down the streets trying his best to ignore the whispers that followed him. Stupid villagers he would show them! One day! He made his way out of town heading to the abandoned training grounds just outside of the village. No one was supposed to be there but then again no one went out to check either. He took a seat on the ground in a meditation state.

He focused on his chakra looking to find his chakra center. After a few moments he found it and just like every other day he was overwhelmed by the shear amount of chakra he had. It was obvious even to him that it wasn't normal for someone his age to have this amount of chakra. He wished he had less chakra because it was the reason he had problems doing certain jutsus. Specifically clone jutsu. He spent his afternoons trying to learn chakra control but had too little information on how. He needed a teacher one that wouldn't judge him like everyone else.

A rustling drew his attention away from trying to control the enormous amount of chakra he had. He jumped to his feet drawing a kunai from his pocket ready to defend himself. Instead of a fellow student that bullied him regularly was a man. This man was in a jounin outfit with a sword on his back. Naruto relaxed slightly upon spying the Hidden Leaf Headband. This man was a Hidden Leaf ninja.

Upon seeing the blond haired boy, the jounin blinked in surprise as if not expecting someone to be there. He muttered coughing like he was sick, "Hmmmm I did not expect someone else to be using my training grounds."

Naruto blinked in surprise then the words hit him. This wasn't an abandoned training ground this man used them. Naruto stood and said hoping he could get away without getting attacked, "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll go now."

Naruto went to leave only for the man to stop him. The man gave him a searching look as he asked, "Who are you?... I don't mind that you have been using these training grounds."

Naruto blinked in surprise the whispered knowing that as soon as the man heard his name he would hate him too, "Uzumaki, Naruto sir."

The man's eyes widened in surprise and Naruto flinched away as the man came closer. The man stopped watching him with a strange look on his face. He stuck his hand out for Naruto to shake and said, "Hayate, Gekko. You look on the skinny side kid. Want to get something to eat?"

Naruto's head came up at the mention of food. He only had a few coins and packages of instant ramen left with two weeks until he got more money. He hung his head in shame as he said, "I don't have enough money to buy anything else right now."

Hayate's eyes widened with righteous anger that Naruto didn't understand. He took another step away from him in fear. Hayate's eyes then softened his anger bleeding away. He said after a moment, "I'll pay for it. No child should ever go without a meal."

Naruto's eyes filled with tears as he nodded. For the first time in his 12 years someone actually cared for him. For the first time someone saw him as more than just a demon.

Iruka's POV

He sighed as he finished his grading his classes papers. He had been surprised when he reached Uzumaki Naruto's paper. The young boy had not only done the work but had done it correctly. If this was the first time he would have thought the boy was cheating but now it was the fourth. He could no longer hide behind the fact that Naruto was working hard to improve his grades. Maybe he should offer tutoring for his practical aspects that Naruto was still struggling in.

With those thoughts he left the school and went to head home for the evening. On his way home he saw a sight that was almost impossible. Hayate Gekko was walking side by side with Naruto who seemed happy and nervous about being near the older ninja. Naruto saw Iruka and the happy look fell from his face as if he thought Iruka would take him away from Hayate.

As if sensing the change in the boy Hayate followed his gaze, his eyes narrowing when they landed on Iruka. He bent down and whispered something to the boy and Naruto looked up searching Hayate's face before running into the ramen shop. Hayate walked up to Iruka and grabbed him by the arm forcing them into an alley.

He asked angrily, "Iruka how could you treat a child like that? One as innocent as Naruto."

Updated and edited 01/12/2018

Betaed by Sultry voice

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