One week before genin exams

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Naruto's POV

Over the weekend he spent more time at the training grounds than he had been in the previous week. Naruto was determined to master the tree walking technique before Monday. By early Sunday morning he had passed out in the grass from over use of chakra.

When he awoke he stood shakily as he moved to check his progress. He almost made it to the top of the tree and was only a few tries away from it. He wanted to keep training but he knew he was at his limit and if he continued to push it he would pass out again. With a pained groan he decided it would be best for him to go home for the tone being.

Naruto made his way through the village ignoring the looks of disgust and fear he received as he went through. These people would never change until he proved himself. He would show that he wasn't just some kid that got in the way or just in trouble all the time. When he reached his apartment he almost collapsed again from exhaustion.

He leaned heavily on the wall as he unlocked the door. :Damn I overdid it. I guess this was why Hayate sensei insisted I take regular breaks.: he thought. Ignoring the kitchen he went right for his bedroom and barely made it to the bed before he collapsed. The world slowly went dark as he lay on the bed.

When he woke again it was mid afternoon and he was extremely hungry. He stood carefully checking his balance to be sure that he wasn't about to collapse again. When he was sure he was strong enough to move about he made his way to the kitchen. He made a late lunch of a grilled cheese and milk. He was half way through his sandwich when a knock came at his door.

He sighed and stood to answer the door. Naruto opened the door and was surprised to see Shikamaru standing there with Choji a little farther back. Naruto smiled as friendly as possible as he sakd," Hi Shikamaru, Choji. What brings you here?"

Shikamaru held out a large stack of papers. Naruto took them recognizing Shikamaru's handwriting. It took him a moment to realize they were notes for the classes he had missed. Shikamaru said yawning," It would be troublesome if you were to fail again, Naruto. So read up on my notes and if you need any extra help let us know."

Naruto couldn't believe his ears. He knew that Shikamaru was one of the top students in his class but he was the laziest as well. He never thought the other boy would do something to help him. He said with a weak smile," Thank you, Shikamaru. Do you and Choji want to come in? It's not much but I do have stuff for sandwiches."

The two boys looked at each other considering their options before Choji said smiling," Sure, Naruto." Naruto smiled broadly as he opened the door fully to allow them entry. He made ham and cheese sandwiches for them and gave them a carton of milk each to drink. Choji per norm had brought his own chips to have with his sandwich. Shikamaru took time to look around his apartment while he finished off his sandwich.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Shikamaru asjed," Where have you been Naruto? We have been looking for you all week and the only time we see you is in the evenibg?" Naruto said calmly," I have been training in one of the abandoned training grounds. I have almost mastered the tree climbing technique."

Shikamaru didn't look convinced and Choji looked even more doubtful. They knew this was a more advanced technique than what was taught at the ninja school. Naruto almost unwillingly said," Maybe I could show you after we finish eating." He really didn't want to show them but he didn't want to lose these two as potential friends either. He was tired of being alone all the time.

It was Choji who answered this time though," Sure Naruto. I want to as if you can really do this technique." Shikamaru said without any real heat behind his words," Fine, troublesome."

They quickly finished their lunches before heading off to the abandoned training grounds. It was obvious that they were shocked when they saw the tree he had been training on. He was afraid of their reactions and whether or not they would accept him still. He refused to show his fear though. He refused to allow anyone to see that weakness in him. He did not have to wait long for Shikamaru said," Naruto I can't believe this. It's been what two weeks?"

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