The Dragon and the Wolf part 3

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Naruto's POV

He just stepped out of the shower when he caught a glance of himself in the mirror. He noticed that there was a slight change in his appearance. He was gaining more muscle and the baby fat was burning off. He was slowly changing into a future Hokage.

He dried off his hair and changed into a grey t-shirt and pants. He belted his sword off his left hip and his headband on his forehead. He tilted his head to the side considering his appearance. He gave that fake smile he showed the others when he was really dying on the inside. The smile that fooled everyone including the Hokage. Sometimes he wished someone would see through it. That someone would care for him like a parent.

His thoughts drifted to Hayate who had been the only person to ever come close. Naruto was slowly letting the man in. He still hid things from Hayate though. He struggled with the decision on whether or not to tell him about the guardian. He was afraid of the man's rejection. Not even Hayate had been able to see through his mask though.

He shook himself from the depressing throughts as he left his apartment. His head shot up when he felt a familiar presence fall in next to him. Hayate... He turned his head to the side acknowledging his presence.

Hayate said," Come we are meetting at my friends house."

Naruto hesitated for a moment before following him. He followed Hayate to a house towards the village gates. Outside the house stood a man in jounin hear and senbon in his mouth. Naruto had come across the man a few times in the village. While the man had never gone out of his way to help him he did give good advice.

When he saw Naruto his eyes widened in surprise but not anger. Slowly a grin appeared on his face as he said," Now I understand why you were so insistent that we not discriminate against him, Hayate. Well Naruto my name is Genma Shiranui, nice to meet you."

Naruto hesitated for half a second before replying," Nice to meet you as well Genma."

Hayate chuckled at the cautious attitude Naruto was giving off. Hayate said placing his hand Naruto's shoulder," Come Naruto."

Naruto tilted his head to the side in acknowledgment. They walked in and Naruto noticed two men. One was cooking and the other was louging at the table. Both men turned to face Naruto and he had to force himself not to step back. He watched as their eyes widened and turned to Hayate.

After a moment the one cooking said," Now I understand. Hayate I'm not like Yugoa I have no problems with the demon's vessel. Nice to meet you, Naruto, I'm Konetsu Hagane. Like you, I'm a prankster I hope we can be friends."

Naruto gave him a fake smile and nod. The one sitting at the table though was still quiet. The man didn't have angry cold eyes but they weren't expressive like Konetsu's. They were honest and kind though but Naruto didn't trust it just yet. He had veen hurt one too many times. They would have to earn his trust.

Hayate said breaking the silence between them," Naruto this is Konetsu's partner Izumo Kamizuki. He's the more serious of the two but he is still a good man."

Izumo held out his hand for Naruto to shake. Without hesitating Naruto took it firmly and they shook hands silently. Naruto took a seat in between Hayate and Izumo as Konetsu finished dinner.

Konetsu asked," Naruto can you give me a hand for a second?"

Jumping to his feet Naruto went straight over to help the man. Konetsu gave him five plates and silverware. Naruto went to put them on the table for Konetsu. Once the plates and silverware were placed the food was next. They all sat at the table and began to pass around food. Naruto took healthy portions of everything that Konetsu had cooked.

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