The Dragon and the Wolf

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Naruto's POV

The next morning he woke at his usual time. He made a quick breakfast. He felt small amounts of pain from the bruises he had received the day before. Hayate and Chun had not gone easy on him. Hayate was teaching him so that he survived in battle. Chun he wasn't sure about.

Sure Hayate trusted him but Naruto wasn't so sure. Chun gave him a weird vibe. That man made him feel restless and agitated. Unlike Hayate he didn't feel like he could trust him completely. Pushing aside the feelings for the moment he made his way to the training grounds. Instead of Hayate being there Chun stood in his place. He almost forgot he trained with the man before he trained with Hayate. Damn this was going to be a long hour.

Chun had Naruto once again practicing the punch. Over the hour Naruto was unable to match the chakra flow to the movement of his arm. Instead of looking annoyed at his lack of progress Chun looked almost of amused.

Chin said when Naruto flopped to the ground frustrated," You aren't doing that bad for the fact that you have almost no chakra control. Keep working on the water walking technique. It will help you with this."

Naruto asked carefully," Are there any other excersises I should be doing?"

Another voice answered his question before Chun could," No, you need to master the water walking technique."

Hayate sat in the tree looking bored. He had his usual sword on his back and held a wooden practice sword. Chun looked between them and said," See you this afternoon kid. Try not to let Hayate break something."

Naruto paled and was about to retaliate but the man was gone. Hayate motioned for his student to stand. Naruto did watching his teacher with trepidation. He really didn't want to repeat the day before. He could still feel his bruises each time he moved.

Hayate said," We will work on katas 5-10 today. If you do well on them we can start the final group of katas tomorrow. These are very basic katas that are the foundations to the jutsus."

Naruto stood in front of him trying to fight an estatic smile. If he could master these katas he might start learning jutsu. He might be allowed to wear his sword freely. He couldn't wait.

Hayate motioned for him to draw his sword so they could begin. He drew his sword and began to go through the first four katas. Hayate corrected the way his elbows were positioned, once. The katas were flowing easier now that he had practiced them continuously. Hayate then began to slowly go through the fifth kata and on.

Naruto watched him go through them once before trying himself. It wasn't as easy as Naruto first thought though. There were several leaps that not only that Naruto had to jump but land correctly. Hayate had pulled him into the correct landing stances. Eventually they had to work soley on the jumps and landings. When he tried to land after the sixth kata he twisted his ankle on a tree branch.

He went down grabbing his ankle to support it and check the damage. Hayate was by his side in an instant checking the damage, himself. He turned the ankle and pressed st the joint.

Hayate said after a moment," Its just sprained. Be more careful Naruto an injury could keep you out of practice for awhile."

Naruto nodded serious testing his ankle again. It was fine if only a little stiff. Hayate nodded to the sword's sheath. Oh lovely sparring time.

Hayate's POV

He smirked as he watched the boy tenderly walked away. He had not been going easy on Naruto. The boy had to learn how to block before he would allow him to wear his sword. The katas were well and good for calming his eccentric student but only sparring would prepare him.

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