Two weeks before genin exams part 2

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Iruka's POV

He stumbled into his apartment the words of Hayate Gekko ringing through his mind. The man had been gone from the village for almost two years on a mission for the Hokage. Now the man had returned and he immediately started looking after the holder of the demon fox. He was angered at the way the villagers treated Naruto and Iruka was no better. Hayate's words would likely haunt him for a long time.

Iruka gaped at the man. He had never seen the man angry like this. After a few moments he realized that Hayate was right. He had no right to treat Naruto like he and everyone else did. Everyone but Hayate. The man realized that Naruto was just a child. One that didn't understand why everyone hated him.

Iruka bowes head and said, "I'm sorry. You're right." Hayate seemed to be taken aback by the sudden apology. His face quickly became a mask again as he said, "It's not me that you should be apologizing to.

End of flashback

Tomorrow would be a new day. Tomorrow he was going to offer Naruto extra tutoring so that he could pass his practical examination for the genin exams. He would try to make up the injustice that he had done to the boy.

The next morning, he arrived early to the school like normal and found to his surprise Naruto in the yard. He was focusing his chakra like he was going to use clone jutsu. The boy was focusing too much chakra for this jutsu. Naruto said, "Clone jutsu!"

Sure enough Iruka was right. Too much chakra caused the jutsu to produce an unusable clone. The frustration was clear on Naruto's face as was the sadness that he once again failed on a basic jutsu.

Iruka stepped put so that Naruto could see him and the boy started in surprise. Naruto looked for a way out but Iruka blocked the only exit. Iruka said moving so that Naruto could leave if he wanted to, "Your using too much chakra, Naruto. That is why you are unable to use clone jutsu. I can help you if you like."

He could see the suspicion in Naruto's eyes. They were like a puppy who had been kicked while he was down one too many times. Naruto said looking away in anger, "You just want me to trust you so that you will talk behind my back. Everyone in the village is the same!"

Naruto moved to go around him and leave only to be stopped when Iruka said, "Naruto... I'm sorry. You are right. I have treated you unfairly ever since you were moved into my class and I was wrong."

The blue eyes met his and he could see the tears filling them. Naruto said trying to sound stronger than he felt, "I... I would like that Iruka sensei."

Iruka said smiling kindly, "Okay then, Naruto. Let's meet here every morning an hour before classes starting tomorrow."

While there was still suspicion in Naruto's eyes he could see the eagerness in them as well. Iruka said, "I noticed your written work is much better than it was before. I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating before."

Naruto with a nod replied, "I understand sensei. I never tried before but if I want to be Hokage I have to make good grades. Right?"

That surprised Iruka. He had heard Naruto proclaim that it was his goal to be Hokage but he never thought the kid had a chance. Now he was realizing everything he thought he knew about the kid was wrong.

He said, "Yes. Keep up the good work Naruto. I'll see you in class." Naruto grinned and ran out of the small training ground heading back to who knew where. He was looking forward to his classes more now.

Naruto's POV

He couldn't believe it! Not only was he getting three meals a day thanks to the help from Hayate sensei but, he was getting tutoring from Iruka sensei. Maybe things would turn around for him. His more cynical side told him that he shouldn't put too much faith in these two ninjas. So for the moment he would have to wait and watch to be sure they wouldn't turn on him.

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