Healer and Guardian part 3

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Kiba's POV

He caught Naruto before the blond haired boy hit the ground. He gently placed his friend on the ground and began to undo his jacket. He sucked in a breath at seeing the damage. He knew his friend had taken a lot of damage but he wasn't expecting this.

He could see the broken ribs under the skin but that wasn't what worried him. The tell tale signs of internal bleeding all over Naruto's abdomen were.

He called out," Kurenai sensei!"

The red eyed woman was already there at his side checking over Naruto. She kneeled by Kiba already checking Naruto's vitals.

She paled considerably and said," He needs a healer. He sustained too much damage."

The Sanin's assistant kneeled next on the other side of Naruto. She said placing her hands on Naruto's abdomen," I can help. I was trained by Lady Tsunade herself."

She placed her hands on the boy's abdomen and focused her chakra. Kiba watched in fascination as a green light surrounded her hands. It was a clear indication of medical ninjutsu. This was his first time seeing it used up close.

The purple bruising and discoloration indicating internal bleeding faded somewhat as she used her ninjutsu. As she worked though an unfamiliar seal appeared on Naruto's abdomen. She sucked in a breathe as she examined it. Kiba on the other hand ignored it. His friend had told him his closely guarded secret and he would not betray his confidence.

The Sanin said sucking in a breathe," That seal. No wonder this boy could survive so many of my attacks. He's the nine tails vessel."

Kiba said angrily," Shut up! You don't know anything. Naruto had worked so hard to overcome the handicaps of having the demon sealed within him."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow and asked," What kind of handicaps could a vessel have? He would have the strongest ninjutsu of any genin and most chunin to say the least."

Kiba said looking her straight in the eye," I should have seen it before when he told me that he could only buy orange clothes. The villagers don't allow him in their shops and when they do they over price everything. Now that I think back on it the angry scornful looks they aways gave him make more sense."

He intended to confront his mother when they returned to the village. He wanted to know why even she had treated Naruto like that. Naruto besides harmless pranks had never done anything wrong.

Shizune said interrupting their thoughts," I've done what i can. Lady Tsunade will you..."

The Sanin was already bending down to take over. She said," Treat his head wound Shizune. I'll take care of the rest."

It wasn't long before Naruto was stable enough to move. Kurenai picked up the small boy preparing to take him back to their hotel when Tsunade stopped her.

Tsunade said looking at Naruto with an unfamiliar look," A deal is a deal. The brat landed one hit one me and i will honor our agreement. We shall leave tomorrow morning to return to your village."

To say the three of them were surprised was an understatement. They were expecting to have to fight her for the woman to stick with the bargain. Maybe she wasn't so bad.

Of Light and Darkness (Naruto/The Breaker/ Veritas Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang