Choosing part 1

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Naruto's POV

Two days later he awoke to a knock on his door. It was only six in the morning so it made him cautious to find out who had come for a visit. He checked the peephole to find Hayate on the other side. He opened the door smiling at the man. Hayate asked coughing slightly," May I come in, Naruto?"

Naruto didn't bother to answer him instead pulling the door open wide enough for him to come in. Hayate looked around his kitchen with a critical eye. Naruto had cleaned up since the last time someone had come over. There were still a few scattered scrolls but it was much cleaner than before. Hayate took a seat at his small table and said," Naruto I have been thinking since the night of the scroll incident."

Naruto felt the blood drain from his face at the mention of that night. The night that he found out that he had the nine tailed did inside him. Hayate was going to tell him that he wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Naruto sat in the chair across from Hayate preparing for heartache. Hayate sighed tiredly as he said," Naruto, I'm not abandoning you. I came to see if you wanted me to continue to train you."

He gave a harsh cough that worried Naruto but the sickly man waved him off. That's when the words hit him and Naruto asked in disbelief," You want to train me sensei?" Hayate nodded and said," Yes... cough... I can see your potential but only if you want me to teach you." Naruto said with a giant smile," Yes sensei. I would be honored if you continued to teach me."

Hayate said nodding," Good. Naruto if I am going to teach you to it must be a secret. The Hokage doesn't exactly approve of my interest in you." He figured the man would say something like that. Still he was happy to be training with the first person to ever believe in him. Naruto said seriously," I won't tell anyone until you say I can sensei." They shook on it Hayate had an approving look on his face.

Hayate said after a moment getting to his feet," Naruto eat a good breakfast then meet me in the training grounds we usually use." Naruto nodded and a second later he was gone. Naruto quickly made a breakfast of eggs and toast. He poured a glass of milk before quickly downing his food. With his food finished and left his apartment. He went straight to the training grounds that he and Hayate used.

When he arrived Hayate was already there. The man looked up and asked concerned," Did you eat?" Naruto said," Yes sensei. Eggs and toast."

He didn't seem convinced but let the matter drop for the moment. He indicated for Naruto to come closer. On the ground before him was several plain scrolls and a pen. Off to the side there was a scroll that had a seal on it. Hayate said pushing Naruto by his shoulders so that he sat," Before I teach you anything else you must learn storage seals. Now copy the seal when your done let me see it."

Naruto spent the next twenty minutes drawing the seal. When he was satisfied with it he went to where Hayate was sharpening his sword. He took the seal from Naruto looking it over with a critical eye. He nodded approvingly as he said," Good. Go do nine more. Bring them to me when your done." With a sigh Naruto left to do as he was told without a verbal complaint. He sat back on the grass and began to redo the seal on other scrolls.

Naruto could feel the eyes of his sensei on him the entire time. When he finished his tenth seal he brought them to Hayate. Hayate said putting them in the grass," Excellent, Naruto. Now place a kunai on the seal. To put the weapon inside the scroll you focus your chakra into the seal." Naruto was about to do just that when Hayate grabbed his arm stopping him. He said seriously," Only a small amount or the it will explode."

Naruto nodded and Hayate watched him for a moment before releasing him. Naruto slowed his breathing and focused on his chakra. He placed his hand on the seal and released a small amount of chakra into it. It exploded sending him back several feet. Hayate moved a little farther away so that he could continue sharpening his blade.

Of Light and Darkness (Naruto/The Breaker/ Veritas Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz