Healer and guardian part 1

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Naruto's POV

He was waiting for his team and sensei outside of the Hokage's tower. He had packed all of his weapons and his sword was strapped to his hip. His head came up when he heard familiar footsteps of Hayate coming closer. His teacher came closer obviously there for Naruto.

Naruto smiled and said in welcome," Hi, sensei."

Hayate said smiling in return," Hello, Naruto. Are you ready for your mission?"

Naruto nodded. He wasn't lying either. He was ready for the mission. He was ready to save his sensei. As if sensing his thoughts Hayate bent down to one knee.

He said their eyes locking with each others," Listen to me, Naruto. I don't want you to risk your life for mine. If it comes down between you or me. Choose your own life. I would never forgive myself if you died for me."

:How?: he thought. How did his sensei know what he planning on doing? Well excluding dying of course. He wouldn't die not until he became Hokage. He wouldn't go back on his word no matter what.

He said his determination shining in his blue eyes," Sensei... I swear to you that I will save you. I will not die until I become Hokage. You have my word and i never go back on my word. That's my nindo. My ninja way."

Hayate's eyes shone slightly with untold emotion. Naruto held his ground though. He wouldn't do this for just anyone but Hayate was different. The man was a light in his darkness. Hayate was slowly making Naruto lower the walls he had built up around himself. With the help of Iruka they were getting Naruto to trust people again.

Naruto slowly and fearfully moved closer to the man. He wrapped his arms around the man's middle in an awkward hug. Hayate stiffened unsure before hugging Naruto back.

Naruto said leaning his head against the man's shoulder his voice raw with emotion," I can't lose you Hayate sensei. You are my most precious person."

Hayate awkwardly patted the boy on the back trying to comfort his young student. Naruto knew that he never suspected that he felt the way he did. Naruto saw Hayate like the father he never had. Iruka had become like an older brother. While he was becoming closer to Iruka he cared much more for Hayate.

Hayate pushed him back to look at him carefully. Naruto met his gaze without fear. Hayate searched his gaze looking for something. Whatever he was looking for he must have found it because he nodded solemnly. Naruto slowly pulled away from the man completely.

They stood waiting in comfortable silence waiting on Naruto's team. His sensei's coughing was harsh and worried Naruto. He knew that if this didn't work then Hayate wouldn't have long to live. They would have to hurry and find the master healer.

Finally about ten minutes after Hayate had arrived his team arrived. Kiba and Hinata arrived together and Kurenai appeared in a puff of smoke. Naruto tilted his head in greeting to his sensei. She nodded in return before motioning them to follow her. Naruto shot a small smile to Hayate before following her. When he turned away from Hayate he missed the sad look the older ninja sent him.

Kurenai opened the door to the Hokage's office. The three genin's walked in and Naruto took his spot in the middle. The others stood to either side of him just a half step behind.

The Hokage said as Kurenai stood off to the side," Naruto, as per our earlier agreement I'm sending you on in a special mission. Normally we would not send genin's on a B class mission but I will not go back on my word. Your mission is to find and convince Lady Tsunade to return to the village. She was once on of the Sanin and a master healer. To save Hayate Gekko you will need her help."

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