Team 8 part 2

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Naruto's POV

The next morning he was awake before his alarm again. He decided to make breakfast and hit the training grounds before Hayate got there. He made pancakes burning a few of them before he got it down. When he finished with them he went straight to the training grounds. Naruto activated the scroll that held his sword and pulled out the scroll with sword techniques.

Naruto opened the scroll with sword techniques and began practicing. He started with the sheathed stance then moved through the first kata. As his hand was going to reach his hip he tried to change the direction so that it would go back up. Instead he felt a twinges of pain causing him to drop the sword. The hell?!

He tried it again and got the same result of him dropping the sword. He rubbed his wrist and went over to the scroll. He read it carefully looking at the pictures. He still didn't know what he was doing wrong several minutes later. When your hand was almost level with your hip you were supposed to change direction back up. It was simple! So why was he feeling pain when he tried it?

He grumbled in frustration and decided to sheath his sword for the moment and meditate. That's when he remembered. The black smoke had appeared yesterday telling him that he was supposed to talk to it again. He had forgotten in the excitement of new clothes and spending time with Kiba. There was plenty of time before Hayate was supposed to show. So he entered a meditative state.

He soon found himself in the strange room again. The black smoke had also appeared. He could feel an annoyed emotion coming off it. Naruto could understand it though. He had forgotten the promise that he had made because of his teammate.

The black smoke let out an amused sound before it said," It's fine. I'm glad you remembered before you sensei arrived."

Naruto asked," What are You? You said you aren't the nine tailed fox but that doesn't make me feel any better. I don't want to be the vessel of anything else!"

The smoke made a sound that was almost a sigh. It said it's form shaping and becoming solid," Don't freak out, child. This is my true form as the guardian of the forest."

:Guardian?: he thought. What was it talking about? Naruto didn't have long to wait as the smoke solidified. It was a large black wolf with dark blue eyes. Oddly Naruto didn't feel threatened by the creature. Instead he felt protected.

The wolf sat him and said cocking it's head to the side," My name is Sien and I am one of the five guardians that belong in these lands. You are my vessel and contractor. The first one I have had since the your first great war."

The Guardian was likely as old as the nine tailed fox. That meant that he was a vessel to, two strange creatures. Naruto wasn't sure why the creature had chosen him as it's vessel. He wasn't even all that special besides having the demon fox.

Hayate's POV

He had just finished packing up his stuff to go meet with Naruto for training, when a knock came at his door. He opened it to find Yugoa standing there. She looked no less angry than when he saw her a few days before. He sighed saddened that she still disapproved of him training the boy. He stepped aside to allow her inside, though. This was not a conversation to be held outside.

When she came in she asked angrily," Are you still training the demon child, Hayate? You should be focusing your efforts on a proper student."

Hayate could feel his frustrations rising with each word. He should be focusing on a proper student?! He found one in Naruto! Hayate and Yugoa had been dating for the last few months. He felt love for the first time since the nine tailed fox attacked the village. Unlike her though Hayate didn't hate Naruto. Hayate saw the boy for what he was. Just a scared, lonely child that wanted someone to love and acknowledge him.

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