Chapter 1

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Alec's hands shook as he packed his things into his rucksack

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Alec's hands shook as he packed his things into his rucksack. He had to leave he couldn't take it anymore.  Alec wanted to tell Izzy everything, in the hope that she could help him, but he couldn't. When he had tried she had payed the price. Alec didn't want to leave Izzy, or the rest of his family, but he had no choice.

After taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself, he finished packing. He then put his coat on and grabbed his rucksack. Alec was just about to leave when he heard the front door slam shut. Alec froze in terror. Jonathan had said he had to work late tonight, it was the reason he had chosen now to run. This couldn't be happening. What was he doing here?

Suddenly Alec remembered that he was carrying his rucksack, Alec tried to hide it before Jonathan came into the living room but failed. Alec's fear increased tenfold when he saw Jonathan stop dead in his tracks and stare at the rucksack.

"What are you doing?" Jonathan asked in a scarily calm voice.

"I-um-I was-" Alec stammered too scared to come up with a good excuse.

Jonathan stormed towards Alec and yanked the rucksack harshly out of his hands.

"Jonathan please don't-" Alec tried to say but Jonathan ignored Alec and looked inside the rucksack. The rucksack fell out of Jonathan's hands as they shook in fury.

Alec tried to make a run for it but Jonathan grabbed his waist and threw him on the floor. Alec landed with a terrible thud, causing him to scream in pain and fear. Alec tried to get up  but Jonathan stopped him. Jonathan straddled Alec's waist and grabbed his wrists.

"You're mine Alec! You can't leave me, I won't let you!" Jonathan yelled.

Alec tried to get away from Jonathan but he couldn't. "Jonathan please, I'm not yours anymore just let me go". Alec said tears spilling out of his eyes.

"You know I can't", Jonathan said sounding much calmer and gentle than before, which both confused and scared Alec. Jonathan leaned down to try and kiss Alec, but he turned his face away so that he couldn't. This just made Jonathan even angrier and he tightened his grip on Alec's wrists so much that he cried out in pain.

Suddenly Jonathan froze and fell off Alec, he was unconscious.  Alec looked up in shock and saw Izzy carrying a baseball bat. Alec let out a relieved laugh that turned into a sob.

"Oh Alec", Izzy said tearfully and immediately brought her brother into a tight hug, causing Alec to break down completely. When Alec had calmed down, he told Izzy everything. There was no use trying to hide it now. Izzy gave the unconscious Jonathan a furious glare.

"Alec we have to call the police right now", Izzy said and pulled out her phone from her handbag.

"No Izzy we can't. Jonathan is the police. They would never believe me, he would make sure of that".

"But you can't stay with him".

"I know I was actually just trying to leave New York tonight but Jonathan caught me".

"Where were you planning on going?"

"Southport, Jace said I can stay with him".

"Does he know what Jonathan has done to you?".

Alec looked away, "Yeah, I just hope he and you won't think any less of me, now that you both know the truth". 

"Jace wouldn't Alec and neither would I, no one would think any less of you", Izzy said firmly. 

Alec didn't truly believe Izzy but he gave her a grateful smile, "Thanks Iz", Alec said. "You need to leave too Izzy as well as mom, dad and Max. Jonathan will come after you all to try and find me". 

"We were going to go to London remember? I'll make up an excuse for you not being able to go. I just wish you could come with us, I'd feel better if you were with me". 

Alec hugged Izzy again, "It'll be the only way to keep you all safe, Jace and Simon are both cops they have been trained for this situation and they want to protect me. If they hadn't  been trained I would be going far away from them too". 

"I just wish they could arrest Jonathan", Izzy said. 

"Me too, but Jonathan is far too popular he would just ruin their careers". 

Alec cast one last sad look at Jonathan. How had it come to this? Alec remembered meeting Jonathan for the first time, how kind and wonderful Jonathan had been. Alec missed the old Jonathan so much and wanted him back. He wanted the Jonathan who would cuddle with him while watching movies, who would dance with him when their favourite song came on no matter where they were. The one who would hold Alec tight and comfort him when he was upset, who would stand up for him and protect him when he was being hurt. 

But Alec had lost him. Alec didn't know how it happened, but Jonathan transformed from his knight in shining armour to a monster. A monster who was forcing him to leave a place he had once called home, to escape the pain he caused Alec. 

Izzy gently pulled Alec to his feet and pulled him into one last hug, when she released Alec he grabbed his rucksack and the two left the house. Alec ran to the bus stop and was relieved to get there before the bus left. He leaned his head against the window and tried to go to sleep. 

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