Chapter 6

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Jonathan couldn't believe that Gretel had come to his house. While she was his partner he had never invited her to his house before because he was afraid she would find out how he really treated Alec.

"Hey Jonathan I'm sorry this is such short notice, but I really need to talk to you can I come in?" 

Jonathan sighed, he really didn't want her to come in but knew he would raise her suspicions if he didn't. He knew Gretel well enough to know that she was a wary person and would be able to tell if something was going on. 

"Sure come in", Jonathan said attempting to be polite even though he wanted to yell in frustration at her. "Would you like some tea or coffee?" 

"I would love some coffee thank you". 

"Take a seat I'll be a few minutes". 

As Jonathan left to the kitchen Gretel sat down on the sofa she noticed that Jonathan's laptop was still on. Gretel's eyes were immediately drawn to the background screen which was a compilation of photos of Alec. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw that they were all taken without Alec knowing. Some were of him walking to work or sitting in a cafe. 

Gretel knew she shouldn't snoop on Jonathan's laptop, but what she saw scared her. She opened up his google searches and saw loads of pages left open that were searches for Alec. She saw a word document was open and if she was scared before it was nothing compared to now. On the document were details of what Jonathan had done to Alec, plans of Jonathan taking Alec back to New York by force and all things he planned to do to Alec when he had him back. The things she read made her want to throw up and made her terrified for Alec. She quickly closed the document when she heard Jonathan start to come back in. Gretel pulled out her phone and pretended to be looking at it.  

"Here you go", Jonathan said handing Gretel her coffee. Gretel smiled at Jonathan trying to hide her fear and took the coffee. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Gretel opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She had been intending on telling Jonathan she thought Alec was in Southport, but there was no way she was going to now. She understood why Alec hadn't come to her with this, without this proof she wasn't sure if she would have believed him. She knew that Jonathan had the popularity and power to make people believe him over Alec. Gretel knew she couldn't arrest Jonathan because of this no matter how much she wanted to, it angered her even more that the evidence was right in front of her. But she knew it wouldn't matter, Jonathan would find a way to make it disappear. She wouldn't be able to help Alec if Jonathan had her fired or locked up.  

When Jonathan waved his hand in front of her she jumped, she had gotten so lost in her thoughts she hand't realized she hadn't answered Jonathan. "Um... I just wanted to see how you are doing, I'm really worried about you". 

"Not so great, I miss Alec so much I wish he was here". 

Gretel had to stop herself from saying she was glad he wasn't, she was about to speak when Jonathan's phone rang. 

Jonathan sighed, "It's Clary, I'm sorry I had better take this". 

Gretel forced herself to smile, "It's okay". 

"Clary I'm in the middle of-"

"Jonathan why didn't you tell me you and Alec broke up? I never even got to meet him when you were together!"

"Wait how do you know we broke up?" 

"Alec told me, I can't believe I had to hear it from him and not you!"

Jonathan froze. Alec had told Clary they had broken up! They had never met before so they couldn't have each other's numbers, that could only mean... 

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