Chapter 7

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Hi guys, thanks a lot for commenting on my story and reading :) I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm going to update this story regularly. 

3 years ago...

Alec's heart sank as he checked his watch again for what felt like the hundredth time. It was his and Jonathan's one year anniversary and he was an hour late. Alec had tried texting and calling Jonathan but he never answered. Jonathan had been very late for their dates a lot the past few months and sometimes cancelled them which hurt Alec a lot. He had tried to talk to Jonathan about it but he always managed to find a way out of the conversation. This was their anniversary though surely he wouldn't cancel on him tonight. 

People in the restaurant kept giving Alec looks of pity, Alec tried his best to ignore them but it was very difficult. Another half an hour passed and Alec decided to try and call Jonathan again, Alec's heart ached when he still didn't reply. Jonathan wasn't usually this late he would have cancelled by now. It had taken so much trouble for Alec to reserve this restaurant, it was very popular and Jonathan was so busy lately it was hard to find a time that he was free. It had been forever since they had been on a date and Alec had been looking forward to this so much.  Alec stared forlornly at his phone for a few minutes before deciding to just go home to his and Jonathan's apartment. His waitress gave him a sympathetic look as he left which just added to his heartache. 

When he entered their apartment Alec could see clothes thrown around the living room, some of them he recognized as Jonathan's but there were some he certainly didn't recognize. Alec closed his eyes in pain, he knew what that meant but didn't want to believe it. He heard Jonathan laughing with another man and followed that sound to his bedroom. Alec took a deep breath and made himself open the door. What he saw made made tears spill uncontrollably out of his eyes. Though he knew what he would find, it did nothing to prepare him for the terrible heartache. 


Jonathan stopped kissing Jason and turned to Alec in shock, what was he doing here? His eyes widened when he realized he had been caught. "Alec please I can explain". 

"Explain? You don't need to explain, I can see quite clearly that you are with another man when you were supposed to be with me!" Alec shouted and stormed out of the room. Jonathan immediately got out of their bed and followed Alec. He grabbed Alec's arm before he could leave. 

"Alec don't go-". 

"Please tell me this is the only time this happened". 

Jonathan looked away guilty, "I'm sorry Alec I can't". 

"How long has this been going on for?" 


"You owe me the truth!" 

"Four months". 

Alec stared at Jonathan in shock and laughed bitterly, "This was why you were always late or cancelled our dates wasn't it? You don't even remember what day it is do you?" 

"I'm sorry Alec I never meant to do that, and what do you mean? I know it's Tuesday". 

Alec looked away from Jonathan this time, "It's our one year anniversary, we had plans remember-oh wait clearly you didn't". 

Jonathan stepped closer to Alec and tried to hug him but Alec backed away, "Alec please I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you". 

"Then why would you do this to me?" Alec said quietly. 

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