Chapter 11

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Hi guys, thank you so much for reading and commenting. I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

Alec turned to Jonathan in confusion when he saw that they were heading to the fireworks show, he had thought they would take him far away. Jonathan grinned at Alec, "The show is always amazing I didn't want you to miss it. This will be the start of a wonderful tradition". 

"I don't understand". 

"We're going to live here my love". 

Alec's eyes widened and he began to feel a bit of hope. If he could escape he could go to Jace or Simon for help, he wished he could go to Magnus but he knew he wouldn't believe him. But when Jonathan smirked at Alec he felt the hope start to fade away. 

"I know what you're thinking, Jace and Simon won't be able to help you". 

Though Alec was glad Jonathan didn't know about Magnus, he panicked he was afraid for Jace and Simon, "What do you mean, what are you going to do?"

Jonathan didn't answer instead turned his attention to Miles, "Drop us off here and do what we discussed". 

Miles shared a grin with Jonathan before stopping the car, Jonathan roughly pulled Alec out of the car with him and started to drag him to the fireworks. 

"I'm serious Jonathan, what were you talking about with Miles?"

"Let's just say your friends won't be a problem anymore". 

Alec felt fear grip his heart, he had a horrible feeling he knew what Jonathan meant, "You promised you wouldn't let Miles hurt Simon if I didn't fight back, I thought that would include Jace too". 

"Oh Alec you're still so naive, I was lying". 

Alec tried to pull himself free from Jonathan, he had to save Jace and Simon from Miles. But Jonathan was unfortunately stronger than Alec and pulled him tightly to his body. Alec kicked Jonathan as hard as he could to make him let go, but nothing he did seemed to affect Jonathan. "Stop struggling Alec you're just making this harder for yourself". 

"I will never stop fighting you, especially when you threaten my friends!"

Jonathan sighed he didn't want to threaten Alec but it would be the only thing that would stop him fighting. Jonathan took out his knife and pressed it against Alec's neck. Alec immediately froze. "You and I are going to the fireworks, we are going to really enjoy it and then we are going to get married. Got it?" Jonathan said angrily. 

"Yes", Alec said trying to sound calm, but really he was terrified. 

"Good, now let's go". 

Meanwhile Magnus, Jace and Simon had arrived at the fireworks display. "Okay let's split up, Magnus you're with Simon. If you find Alec call me straight away".  Simon and Magnus both nodded. Jace pulled Simon into a hug, "Be careful out there". 

"I will, you too... are you sure it's a good idea to split up?" Simon asked in concern, he didn't like the idea of Jace being on his own even though he knew he could take care of himself. 

"You and I both know it will be easier to find Alec this way, I promise I'll be okay. It's you I'm more worried about". 

Despite this situation Magnus' heart warmed at this sight, both he and Raphael had been initially concerned about Simon going out with Jace given his reputation of not doing commitment. They were afraid Jace would break Simon's heart, but he had proved them both wrong. Seeing them together made Magnus miss Alec so much and his heart race with fear for him. Magnus was so scared of what Jonathan could be doing to Alec. 

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