Chapter 8

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Alec couldn't believe this was happening. He had lost Magnus and now Jonathan had found him. Alec was heartbroken. Just as he thought he had found a safe place with wonderful friends and boyfriend, Alec lost them. He shouldn't have allowed himself to enjoy his happiness. Alec hung up after thanking Gretel for warning him and ran. He knew he should go back to Jace's to get his things, but he didn't know how close Jonathan was to Southport, for all he knew Jonathan could already be here. Alec had to run while he still could.

Alec ran as fast as he could. Alec kept regular track of the bus schedules in case it came down to this and he only had a few minutes to get there. Alec bumped into several people on the way and almost fell over, but he made it just in time. But as Alec was getting on the bus he was suddenly pulled off and dragged away. Even though Alec knew it would be no use he tried to escape. His panic increased as he found himself being pulled further and further from the bus, he tried shouting for help but everyone was too focused on not missing the bus to hear him. Despair filled Alec as he realized no one was going to help him and he increased his struggles to escape. "Please Jonathan don't do this let me go!"

"Alec stop it's me". 

Alec stilled his movements, "Jace? What are you doing? Let me go". 

"Please stay it's too dangerous to go out there on your own". 

"He found me", Alec said brokenly. 

Jace suddenly stopped, "What?" 

"Jonathan's either coming or he's here, I can't stay anymore". 

"Alec if you go you will have no protection, but Simon and I will do anything to protect you from Jonathan". 

Alec turned around and hugged Jace, "You have both done so much for me already-"

"We love you Alec we would do anything for you". 

That caused Alec to break down and Jace took him back to his house to comfort him. Jace sat with Alec on their sofa and allowed him to cuddle with him. Jace didn't care that his tears were making his shirt damp. 

"I-I lost Mags", Alec said, "I-I thought I could finally be happy with him Jace. I think I even... I think I was in love with him... no I know that I am in love with him". 

Jace hugged Alec tightly wishing Simon was here, he was better at comforting people than he was, "I'm so sorry Alec, I hate Raphael". 

"Please tell me you didn't punch him". 

"He deserved it!" 

"Raphael had every reason to believe I was cheating on Magnus.  If it was me I would have believed it. You said it yourself, he's very protective of Magnus and I'm glad he is". 

"You're glad he punched you?" Jace said incredulously. 

"That's not what I meant and you know it". 

Jace sighed, "I just hate that this happened to you and I lost my temper, I care about you so much Alec". 

"I know I care about you too", Alec said. Alec leaned into his touch and found himself fast asleep. 

Jace looked at Alec asleep on his shoulder and rage filled him. Why did terrible things keep happening to Alec? He was the last person that deserved it. "I won't let Jonathan hurt you anymore", Jace vowed. 

Meanwhile Magnus threw himself on his bed and cried into his pillow. He should never have trusted again. He had thought Alec would be different, that he could love again. It was even worse as he had confided in Alec about Camille, he had told him things he hadn't told anyone. And now Alec had betrayed him like Camille did! His make up was being ruined and consequently his pillow sheet was too but Magnus didn't care. He just wanted so badly to be held in Alec's arms but he couldn't. 

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