Chapter 10

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Hi guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter I'm going to update soon :) 

The car ride back to Jace's house was tense. Jace hadn't forgiven Magnus yet and they both knew it. "Alec said you told him he was just like Camille", Jace blurted out angrily. Before Simon had come back from work, Alec had told him how Magnus had treated him at the cafe and it had made Jace even more angry. In the end Alec was so exhausted he had fallen asleep against Jace again. 

Magnus winced, ever since he learned Alec was telling the truth he kept thinking about how he had acted towards Alec. It made him feel even worse. "I feel terrible for that. But Jace it's like I said I wasn't thinking straight. Every time I saw Alec all I could think was that he had betrayed me just like Camille had. I hadn't meant to say that, but I was so angry and hurt it just came out".  

Jace was about to reply but they had arrived and Jace didn't know what it was but something felt off. Jace quickly got out of the car and ran to the door. 

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know", Jace said anxiously and when he opened the door he rushed into the living room. The sight of Simon tied up on the sofa made Jace gape at him in horror. "Simon!" Jace shouted and ran to him. He and Magnus immediately untied him, and Simon threw himself at Jace. "I'm so sorry Jace, Jonathan has Alec!" Simon managed between sobs. 

Jace shared a horrified look with Magnus. Jace couldn't believe this, after everything he and Simon had tried to do to protect Alec, Jonathan had taken him. Jace closed his eyes in pain he was so afraid for Alec. 

Magnus felt a stab of pain in his heart. The photos of Alec's bruises and scars kept flashing in his mind, he hated the thought of Alec with Jonathan more than he could stand. Magnus wanted more than anything to save Alec and to hold him in his arms again. But he reminded himself that Alec may not want him to hold him like that after what he did, and the thought pained him. Magnus wanted to hurt Jonathan so badly for what he has done to Alec and wouldn't rest until he had. "Simon what happened?" Magnus asked urgently. 

It took Simon a long time because he was so shaken up, but he managed to tell them how Jonathan had taken him by surprise and Simon did everything he could to save Alec, but Miles threatened him and Alec sacrificed himself to save him. Though Jace was terrified, he was amazed by Alec. He had given himself up for Simon knowing what Jonathan would do to him. Simon looked away and Jace could tell he was hiding something. Jace gently took Simon's chin and brought his face to him, "What aren't you telling me?" Jace asked in concern. 

Simon could feel more tears coming and tried to harshly wipe them away but Jace gently took his hand to stop him, and tenderly wiped his tears away with his thumb. "Miles... he-he kissed me". Jace froze and looked furious, Simon flinched afraid that he was angry with him, "I didn't want him to Jace, but he didn't care he kept kissing me and-"

"Hey, it's okay I know you didn't want him to", Jace said reassuringly and hugged Simon tightly, "I just hate that Miles did that to you and I want to make him and Jonathan pay even more". Fury was raging through him and it increased even more when he felt Simon trembling.  

When Jace reluctantly released Simon, Magnus hugged him too. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you were defending Alec". 

"It's okay-"

"No I lashed out at you too and I shouldn't have, I'm sorry". 

"I... I forgive you. We need to find Alec and save him". 

"But from what Miles said they could be anywhere", Jace said worriedly. 

Simon's eyes widened as an idea hit him, "Clary might know where Jonathan would take Alec. They're siblings". 

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