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New character:
Chan: @ leechann
Everyone loves him
A sophomore in high school
Pops in occasionally to call people fuckups and fuckwads
pops in to bitch
Isn't on regularly because he's rather be studying than participating in high school drama
Rant: bitches need to stop butting into others' business. Honestly like I know your life isn't interesting enough for your sorry ass but OTHERS life's aren't for you sweetie.

hanniethebitch: mhm
docutie: you two need to stop. Yes I know who you're talking about.
hanniethebitch: @ docutie don't we all
kwonassonfire: oh fuck.
docutie: @ kwonassonfire honestly sorry, Hosh.
kwonassonfire: @ mrblueearmuffs a bitch needs to unblock.
mrblueearmuffs: @ beanie shut up hoe.
beanie: @ mrblueearmuffs then don't butt in.
mrblueearmuffs: @ beanie you didn't even @ me you assfuck quit indirecting AND @ ME BITCH
beanie: @ mrblueearmuffs some of us block people we hate
mrblueearmuffs: @ beanie that's why I blocked you but since you saw my tweet looks like you don't hate me
beanie: @ mrblueearmuffs sorry you aren't my priority
mrblueearmuffs: @ beanie I guess that's where we agree
beanie: @ mrblueearmuffs ew don't fucking say that
docutie: @ beanie @ mrblueearmuffs STOP. GUYS. SERIOUSLYBSKXKS
kwonassonfire: @ mrblueearmuffs a bitch needs to block again.
leechann: shut up you fuckups you sound like you were ripped out of a high school movie. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

hanniethebitch: CHANIIIEEE!!!
leechann: @ hanniethebitch go away mom
kwonassonfire : I'm a fucking sponge with this tea.
xufairy: who needs to study anyway?

leechann: this bitch over here 🤚🤚
hanniethebitch: @ leechann stop cursing it's not good for your health
leechann: @ hanniethebitch you're not good for my health.

@ me, bitch | Wonhui AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant