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Wonwoo put his phone up and walked to the diner. Yes. The diner where a lot of things happened. He sat where he sat last time and ordered the same thing.
beanie: hi I'm back to the place of my nightmares.

hanniethebitch: say hi to the grim reaper for me
docutie: you're an idiot
Wonwoo heard the bell jingle. Someone approached him.
"Can I sit here?"


The person sat down.
"Hi, Wonwoo."

Wonwoo looked up at the person sitting across from him.
It was Jun.

"What are you doing here?"
Wonwoo asked, a bit of fear and joy mixed in his voice.

"Same reason you're here."
Jun grabbed the menu and browsed through. They both stayed quiet throughout Jun ordering and both of them getting their food.

"Listen, Jun. I don't know what happened between us last time we were here, but right now I know what I want."

Jun looked a bit confused.
"Good for you."

"Jun, I want this to stop. This stupid rivalry that's been going on between us. I want us to be as close as we were in middle school."

"Well, Wonwoo, I don't really want to go back to middle school. I want to stay in the present time."

"And that's fine. I'm just asking that we become close again."

Jun played around with his food for a bit.
"....I don't think we can be as close as you want without problems."

"Everybody has problems, Jun. it's just a matter of whether or not you want to work them out with someone."

"Wonwoo, we just can't, ok?"

"No, not ok. Jun, why are you acting like this? What did I do to make you hate me?"

"I told you, you didn't do anything."

"Then what is it?"

"I was confused, ok?"
Jun sighed. I guess now is the time to come clean.
"I started developing feelings for you during freshman year and then I knew those feelings were real in sophomore year, but I kicked them out and this is the result."

Wonwoo sighed and almost laughed.
"Is that it?"


"Then, do you still like me."


"Well, I return your feelings."

Jun finally made eye contact with Wonwoo, but Wonwoo broke it when he looked down to eat his food.

"What are we now, Jun?"

"I don't know."

"Then do you want to be my.."

"Ugh spare me the corny shit."
Jun made a face that made Wonwoo laugh.

"Ok, then we're dating?"


@ me, bitch | Wonhui AUWhere stories live. Discover now