"too easy?"

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"Are you serious?"
Jun laughed.
"Go away, Wonwoo."

Wonwoo stared at Jun and smirked.
"Nah, I'm fine."
Wonwoo grabbed a menu and started looking through.
"What did you get, babe?"

"Don't call me that, assfuck. You might call the girls you fuck 'babe' but I'm not a girl you fuck."
Jun snapped.

"I mean you ain't a girl but I can still fuck."
Wonwoo laughed while calling over a waiter to order.

"Shut up."
Jun said before taking a sip of his drink.

"Anything for you, doll."

"Do I look like a doll to you?"

"Yeah, you do. You're really pretty, Jun."

"I know."

"So then it's appropriate to call you doll."

Jun glared at Wonwoo.
"I'm not one to ask dumb questions, but are you trying to flirt with me?"
Jun asked before looking at the waiter who was currently bringing over Wonwoo's food.

"Is that what it seems like?"

"It really does."

"Then I guess that's what it is."

"Really? It is?"
Jun almost burst out laughing.

Wonwoo laughed.
"Nah, I'm not. You're too easy."
Wonwoo smiled and ate some of his food.

"Am I really?"
Jun asked.

Wonwoo nodded.

Jun smiled.
"Are you sure?"
Jun leaned closer to Wonwoo's face. Wonwoo's mischievous smile disappeared, instead he just sharply inhaled and stared at Jun.
"Do you think I'm easy, Wonwoo?"
Jun brushed Wonwoo's hair out of his way.

Wonwoo breathed.
"I don't think...you're easy."
Wonwoo's eyes kept switching in between Jun's eyes and Jun's lips.

Jun backed up and smiled.
"I didn't think so."
He shoved a couple of fries in his mouth and sipped his drink, still maintaining eye contact with Wonwoo.

Wonwoo stared at Jun almost with a look of disbelief. As if Jun promised to have sex with him. Ahem.

"Well then."
Wonwoo sighed and started eating.
"This has been enjoyable."

"Aww are you leaving already?"

"Not for a long time, doll."

hanniethebitch: listen, I'm seeing some great shit rn.

A/N: you best believe I thought of Bambam

@ me, bitch | Wonhui AUWhere stories live. Discover now