"fuck off, jun."

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mrblueearmuffs: get out of my business hoes lmao

xufairy: bitch shut up we got curiosity to feed
kwonassonfire: we stay curious hun
Jun laughed and put his phone up.
"Wonwoo, what are you doing?"
Jun asked while looking at his boyfriend who was on his phone.

"I'm talking to Jeonghan."

Jun placed his head on Wonwoo's shoulder and looked at Wonwoo's phone. Everybody was already out of the classroom because class was over. To be honest, Jun and Wonwoo should have already left for the lunchroom but since no one was around they just stuck around and ate by themselves.

Wonwoo pressed a kiss on Jun's head and turned back to his phone. Jun picked up some food and fed it to Wonwoo. They stayed like this for a while before Jun perked up when he heard someone approaching the classroom. The door slid open and Jun jumped off of Wonwoo.
"What the hell?"
Seokmin muttered when he saw Jun and Wonwoo.
"Are you two still fighting?"

"No, Wonwoo is just a stalker."
Jun muttered.

"Why are you here in the first place, Jun?"

"I wanted to avoid people in the lunchroom."

Seokmin sighed.
"You know if you guys keep fighting you won't get anywhere."

"Blegh I don't need life lessons by Seokmin."
Wonwoo sighed.
"And fuck off, Jun. I was the first one in here. Fucking saying I'm the stalker."

Seokmin sighed.
"Stop, you guys. Honestly, just learn to get along."
Seokmin grabbed a notebook, slipped out of the classroom, and closed the door.

Jun crossed his arms.
"Fuck off, Jun?"

"I'm sorry, Junnie."
Wonwoo walked over to Jun and tried to hug him, but Jun pushed him away
"I was trying to make it believable."
Wonwoo laughed.

Jun muttered while packing up his food.

"You've said worse to me before."

"But we weren't dating yet."
Jun pouted.

The bell ringed.

Wonwoo went over and placed a kiss on Jun's cheek and grabbed his bags.
"Don't pout, you cutie."

Jun smiled and grabbed his stuff to leave.
"Bye, Wonwoo."

"Bye, Jun."

mrblueearmuffs: I'm not actually mad teehee

@ me, bitch | Wonhui AUWhere stories live. Discover now