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Jun: are you done with your date?

Hoshi: nah, Seokmin told me to he wanted me to come back to his house.

Jun: are his parents there?

Hoshi: no

Jun: do you know what he (most likely) wants to do?

Hoshi: hang out?

Jun: jeez, at least use a condom.

Hoshi: fuck off

Jun put kicked his shoes off. With his best friend 'occupied', he couldn't let out his feelings about what the fuck just happened with Wonwoo.

Jun sighed.
"My last resort."

Jun: Minghao.

Minghao: away with you

Jun: I really need to talk.

Minghao: I really need to eat.

Jun: I'm serious. I'll call you.

Jun clicked on Minghao's contact and listened to the phone ring for a while.
"Yes, bitch?"
Minghao's voice made Jun chuckle a little.

"Minghao, something happened that is really fucking me up."


"So, the backstory is: Soonyoung went on a date with Seokmin and told me to go to this diner long story short Wonwoo went there too and we talked for a while, but he didn't seem to hate me. And then I got mad because I think he was teasing me and he was like provoking me so I decided to go out, but then he chased after me and..."
Jun paused when he heard slurping on the other line.
"Minghao, are you sucking dick?"

"Bitch, shut up it's ramen noodles. Continue."

"Ok, and then he said he didn't hate me and he hugged me. I think he was just trying to provoke me more so I just left."


"So what now?"

"Whatever you want. You called me so I could listen. I'm not good at advice in this, but I know you like him so you might as well just become closer or something. But idk."

"What if he's just pretending? Like when he's pretending to like me and I just ask him out and he's like, "I was just kidding, you fucking loser."

"You're overthinking this."

"Whatever, I'll talk to Soonyoung about this. I think I need another opinion."

"Mmk, bye."

Jun ended the call and collapsed on his bed. He, unknowingly, was pacing back in forth in his room while talking to Minghao.


Jun: Wonwoo's fuckboyness has rubbed off on him. where are you?

Hoshi: I'm sitting in his bed. We're watching tv and I saw him grab it from under the pillow.

Jun: did he show you the condom?

Hoshi: nah he just shoved it in the nightstand.

Jun: maybe he wants to save the fucking for later.

Hoshi: should I ask?

Jun: NO.

Hoshi: ok I'll ask.

Jun laughed at Soonyoung's boldness and waited tensely for his response.

Hoshi: he said he wants to wait when I'm ready to do it.

Jun: awwwwwwwww how cute.

Hoshi: bitch I'm ready.

Jun: shut up. Wtf.

Hoshi: we should wait until we're dating tho..

Jun: yeah.

Hoshi: k bye I'm gonna enjoy the rest of the night.

Jun: bye bitch

A/N: I just wanna say that I don't see SoonSeok as a couple that fucks. Ya know? This was all comedy purposes. They are too fluffy of a couple for me to see them fucking but it's whatever.

@ me, bitch | Wonhui AUWhere stories live. Discover now