the prequel.

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"Wha...What's your..Name?" An Intoxicated Markelle stumbled back as Marie closed the door behind her, kissing him on the neck.

"Marie." She whispered, as she smelled the strong scent of alcohol he had consumed, from the possession of Joel.

She left shiny kisses over his neck from the lip gloss she had applied a little before. Her lips moved to his, as she gently pushed him to sit on the bed.

Even though under the influence, Markelle knew exactly what was happening, and deep down he needed it.

He needed a moment to not care, and drown his emotions in liquor.

Of course he was a lightweight, he hadn't had liquor but maybe twice in his whole life before this time, considering he was underage, and an athlete.

Marie climbed onto his lap, and took his worries away for that moment.

Markelle woke up the next day feeling free, but guilty. I mean he had gotten so angry at Tzipora that, at the time, they technically weren't together in his mind.

But he still felt like he had done wrong, because of course he had.

He tried restoring his pride by saying that it was long overdue, that he deserved it, but he just couldn't convince himself to be that cold...


(This is the past, so don't start going off...yet)

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