6 : & selfless Pt. ll

116 13 38

"can I ask you crazy girls a question?
why so selfish when a nigga's only good to you?

cause, if I don't love you why don't you want no one to love me baby?

don't you wanna see me happy baby?
why are you telling lies on my name?"

-PARTYNEXTDOOR Problems & Selfless



"So..Was it a girl or boy?" Tzipora straddled me, rubbing my back.

"Boy.." I said, lying on my stomach with my head down on my arms.

"Awww..Gonna be a mini you.."

"I would hope."

"What you mean?" Her hands stopped in the middle of my back. "..Nothing."


We sat there quietly, and soon I fell asleep.


I laid down on Kelle after he didn't answer me when I said his name. I knew how tired he was so I wasn't going to wake him. I checked my phone before I closed my eyes and it was twelve.

After about maybe a minute, I heard Kelle's phone ring. But surprisingly, he didn't wake up. So I just had to pick it up and see who it was.

I only looked because I figured if it was Ben or Joel I could tell them he was asleep and if it was something Important, I could wake him.

Or Maybe...just maybe I was scared Marie and him had something going on between each other.

Once I picked it up, it was Marie. I clicked answer and put it up to my ear. "Hey, Ma-"

"Markelle, Can you please com-"

"...Marie... It's Tzipora...Markelle is asleep. It's twelve o'clock." I crossed my arms and climbed off of Kelle.


"I know you're pregnant and all, but I'm very certain he told you he'd be here. So why ask could he come to you?"

"I didn-"

"I mean I'm giving all our time to you because I care that you're having his baby, but you gonna take the little time I got with him too?"

"......." Marie sat silently on the other end.

"So what? You got an emergency? Or are you that selfish and inconsiderate about what little rest Markelle is getting?"


"I'm honestly tired of your ass. You keep playing this good card acting like you wanna see us together and Markelle is falling for it but I'm not buying that bullshit."


"Do not..say my name."

"...Okay Tzipora. I'm not playing 'this good card'. I care about your relationship. But I'll just be clear and honest with you...Since that's what you want."

"Please tell me the truth. Please do that bitch."

"Oh? I'm a bitch now? Because I'm pregnant with him and you're not? I'm trying to save you bitch!"

"Save me? I was perfectly fine before you drunk fucked him!"

"Were you? I mean Markelle told me how you were a mess. You cheated on him with the same guy that raped you. Then you turned around and told him you were pregnant by him too. But then you found out it was Markelle's. And with all that pain and stress on Kelle, you turned and killed his baby. Wow."

I sat there almost about to cry. "...If anyone was perfectly fine, I'm pretty sure it was Markelle. Before he met you."

"Oh yeah...And by the way...I don't care how you take it but I love him...More than you ever have. You might be good to him now, but I've always appreciated him for the person he is."

"There...There's your truth. Since you wanted it so damn bad."

"Marie you-" I started to yell before she hung up in my face.

I slammed his phone on the counter and walked back into the room. Markelle was sitting up on the bed.

"You good? Must've been your aunt?" He rested his eyes. "Yeah.." I laid down.

My hands were shaking and I wanted to cry so bad. But I didn't want him to know that I had answered his phone. I just wanted to sleep, and save the trouble and fussing for tomorrow.

I was mentally exhausted, and arguing was the last thing I wanted tonight.

Kelle wrapped his arm around my shoulder and was already drifting back to sleep, but my eyes were wide open, staring at the dark abyss that covered my bedroom.

I laid there just staring at the black atmosphere. I stared so long that soon the darkness became so dark to me that I couldn't even see my hand too far in front of me. I could only feel.

The only thing visible to me was the silhouette of Markelle's face and his chest rising up and down steadily from the slight light of the streetlights outside of the large window in my bedroom.

His nose pointed straight up and his eyelashes pointed out over his closed eyes as he fell asleep. But I still couldn't find enough peace to rest like him.

I was lying there rubbing my fingers over the veins in his hand and wrist. Maybe I could've fell asleep if I wasn't so focused on the truth...

That Marie once loved him more than me.

And what remained unknown to me; Did Markelle love her that much? And was there something between them?

So much was going on in my head, and probably Marie's too, while the man that we were both in love with, lie there peacefully, with not a clue of what was going on.


"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me baby,
Why be so selfish?

What did I do to you?



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