3 : feel no ways

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"now you're talking down on my name, on purpose,
and you don't feel no way, you think I deserve it."



"Give me side eye!" Perez commanded, snapping photos. I angled my face a little. "More! Oh my god Marilyn! What is wrong?" He yelled.

I posed again before I heard a door slam. "Break." He stopped taking the photos. I took a deep breath before getting up from in front of the white backdrop.

I hadn't told Perez I was pregnant yet. But of course
I'm gonna have to, because I'm gaining weight.

Just as I was getting ready to go sit for a bit, I saw a girl burst into the room. "Are you Marie?" She yelled, walking through.

My eyes widened, before I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm sorry..Who're you?.."

"Markelle sound familiar?" She sat her hand on her hip. "Um yeah...but still." I was confused. But then I thought, Is that Tzipora?

"Oh...wait..Is your Name Tzipora?" I asked, in efforts to get her to calm down.

She crossed her arms. "And what does that mean to you?"

"..Markelle must be here?" She looked me up and down.

"Um..." I laughed. "See..this is really a misunderstanding.." I tried to stop her from doing something she'd regret.

"No..I understand this, perfectly." She talked with her hands, swiveling her head. "I guess you just love messing up relationships."

I looked at her, confused as hell. "Yeah, I heard about your baby." She kept talking. "Tzipora, listen, can we- can we just sit down and talk this out?...Woman to woman. Because...You have a big misunderstanding."

"No, I have a perfect understanding."

"You don't actually." I accidentally laughed.

"Really? I don't understand that you're pregnant by My ex and that you knew he had a girlfriend when you fucked him."

"Okay, first, of, all, I did not know that. So calm down girlie. I'm sorry. I really am. If you're gonna be upset then fine, I understand it, But you need to be upset with Markelle, not me. I know the whole story and you have a reason to be angry."

She crossed her arms. "But Markelle's the one who knew he was not single. Not me. So do me a favor, and do not ever do what you just did again. Markelle is not here. He isn't my 'man' or whatever the hell you think. I have my own life, and he has his own life, so I don't need you interfering with mine."

I could tell she felt slightly guilty for barging in and accusing me, but she just groaned and left.

"Pregnant?" Perez looked at me with a lost expression.



"Man...I don't even know. I'm just giving her time to herself before I approach her." I looked at Ben.

"Right." He said before my phone rang.

-zip 💗💗💗

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