1 : the intro about nothing

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mm; marie & markelle

mm; marie & markelle

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"I don't even know what I'm gonna do at this point.." Marie shrugged, as she started to tear up.

I stood there silently, and awkwardly not knowing how to respond.

"I have no chance anymore. What the fuck was I thinking?"

"....Marie...You have choices...."

"I'm not getting an abortion if that's what you're suggesting." She turned around, looking at me like if I was thinking that, I had completely lost my mind.

"I'm just-"

"..I was talking about your opportunities."

"Opportunities? They don't exist anymore. I won't have time for that with a child."

"...I can't do this." She kept on rambling.

"..Marie. You're pregnant. And you're gonna have to live with that if you aren't willing to have an abortion. So why complain?"

"Because! I don't even...I don't even know you. I had so many plans for this year. I had a modeling gig. But Nobody wants a pregnant model...So that's why complaining makes sense."

"It's just nine months...I'm sure they'll want you after..."

"Wow...You just don't understand do you?"

"Every step I take forward, I take two steps back. You couldn't possibly get it...with your nba career, your million dollar contract." She expressed her opinion insensitively.

"..I do understand Marie." I sat next to her.

"How? How could you understand?"

"Well for starters...This year...Began with me being in love, with someone. But will most likely end with me losing that person."

"..I lost my baby with her...And She's really upset that she had an abortion...and now you're pregnant...by me."

"And it hurts me to know the pain she's feeling..."

"And she blames me for it..." I looked into space.

"..it already hurts knowing that I don't have that child. But I'm trying to make something good of this..."

"Because..Good is all I have left. When you feel like you keep falling and losing everything, the only way to look is up when you've hit rock bottom."

"..And Even though, we barely know each other, a child is a beautiful thing. We don't have to be together, or know each other, let's just do the best we can for this child." I gripped her hand in efforts of comforting her.

"We can't bring her into a bitter world...It was our mistake, so why make life terrible for the child. It's our fault for being irresponsible, but our responsibility to teach it not to be that way."

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