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"So...What is it that you want to tell me?" Tzipora stirred her coffee.

"....Uh....How do I say this?" I pondered, and thought out loud.

She waited, glaring at me through her eyelashes.

"Well first....I have to confess..."

"...Go Ahead..."

"I-I...I Uh.....Look. I was angry after finding out about you and Marquis and I had sex with someone else. I know. That was stupid...."

"But...That's what happened.."

She gulped. "Okay...and the rest..." She held back her words.

"...This is...really the hard part baby I-"

"Stop- Stop it with the baby's and the name calling. I just wanna know what you're gonna say."


"...When I...had sex...I was drunk."

"Wow okay that makes it better." She said sarcastically.

I stared at her for a few seconds, trying to find the courage to tell her.

"...She's pregnant."

She dropped her straw into the coffee.

"...M-Markelle..." She gulped again, as tears moistened her eyes.

"I never did that to you, I'd never do that to you."

"I'm sorry."

"...Um...How...How could this?" She whispered, tears taking over her voice and seeming to fill her throat.


"How could you do this, When I'm Supposed to be pregnant?!" Her voice rose as a tear shot out of her eye.

"Come on, can we go to the car?" I stood up, grabbing her hand.

She gasped. "...No!"

"I don't, want to go anywhere with you!"

"She's out there, with your baby inside of her....when I...I just Killed mine..." her chest heaved up and down.

"We were in love! Not you and her! Why would you do this?!" She cried out, making a scene.

I tried grabbing her but she pushed me off.

"Get off of me!" She cried, walking away.

I reached out to try and comfort her, but she pushed me off again.

"Leave me alone!" Tears fell as she walked to her car.


in check. {m.f.} take care sequel Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu