Chapter 7

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Jensen rubbed his face and eyes, letting out a yawn. He looked around to see the small dirt road that stretched into the woods. He pointed to over there, "Just right on up there, we could use a little walking though so this'll definitely be good heh." Jensen started walking over the grass to get on the dirt road, staying out of sight, not wanting people to see him before his mom and let word get out. He sighed and smiled slightly from the fresh air he was getting, down here in Morwick it was much warmer, about feeling like spring now. Skylar trailed behind the taller man quietly. He kept up, but not to close behind. Skylar sniffed the air a bit taking in the scents. Smelled like the woods, country like. Skylar pulled his pills out and took it quickly, saying nothing as he did so.



About 20 minutes later a 2 story house came into view, flowers surrounding it. Flowers in the gutters, on the windowsills, planned columns of it. Looks like she has been busy since he was gone. It used to look like a dump but seems she fixed it back up, made it look real nice too. Jensen Sighed as he walked up to the door and ran his hands through his hair, messing it up. He knocked on the door, hearing footsteps and a "Yoohoo! I'll be out in a second!" Making Jensen laugh. The door opened and he saw her smile, her brown hair with bits of grey, some wrinkles on her forehead and her very pink dress with a white apron saying 'Hello Dear' in cursive letters. Jensen saw her smile, but it turned to a plain gaped mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. She put her hand over her mouth,

 "You're back!?" Jensen tried to explain before she smacked him over the head and gave him a big hug before he could react.

"Nice to see you too Ma." He chuckled and hugged her back, he noticed Skylar standing beside him and quickly cleared his throat, letting her go and pointing over to Skylar.

 "This is Skylar, my friend, he decided to come with me to visit you." She gasped and wiped her face on her apron and wiped her hands as well as if touching Jensen made her hands dirty, Jensen laughed at that.

 "Oh my-" She slapped Jensen upside the head again,

 "You could have told me we had guests! Look at me! I'm over here blabbing like a crazy woman!" She smiled real big and held out her hand to Skylar, 

"Hello there! I'm Carol! Nice to meetcha!" He smiled slightly while watching their interaction. The seemed close to what he had seen so far. When she held her hand out he took her hand and shook it. 

"Nice to meet you!" He smiled wider than he was at first. Skylar wasn't sure how to react to everything, he isn't the best in social situations. Carol smiled and noticed the boys shifting, she let out a quiet giggle and took back her hand, clapping them together. 

"I just baked some pies! Please come in!" She went and left the two while leaving the door open, showing the bright house and the kitchen could be seen by looking over the counter, there being no window or wall to cover it up. Pies covered every space on the counter, each all different from the other Jensen laughed a little and turned to Skylar, 

"Sorry about her, she's very giddy and jumpy when she has company, she'll wind down by the end of the night. I think." Skylar nodded. 

"It's fine, just don't talk to many people." he looked up at Jensen with his mismatched eyes and then smiled. Skylar liked the smell of all the pie, him having a very good sense of smell. He looked around the room as they both stepped inside. Jensen looked around at all the pies, his mom getting out another pan of pie from the oven and looking for where to place it. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked around before grabbing the first pie she baked and handed it to Skylar,

 "Would you hold that dear?" She gave it to him then walked away placing the pie where the previous one used to be. She giggled and wiped her hands on her still clean apron. 

"I just have so much time on my hands! Oh, I need to go wash up!" She walked away and out of the kitchen to go wash up in her bathroom upstairs. Jensen laughed at the way his mother was acting, 

"So, what do you think? She's pretty nice huh?" Skylar looked at the pie he was handed unsure where to set it then at Jensen.

 "Yeah." He agreed before looking around the room. 

A man entered the room looking at the two boys. He looked to be around in his early 40's close to Jensens mothers age which was 40. The man had a pure white bushy beard that covered his jaw and above his mouth. He had beefy arms, hairy, he looked to be like a big man, kind of like a lumberjack. He had his sleeves rolled back to right after his elbow and a plain brown shirt with dark blue worn out jeans with boots. This guy used to be around all the time, Jensen remembered the man's face, it was older from the 6 years of being away.  His name was Daniel shepherd, Dan for short.

"Well if it isn't  Ace, how ya doin? who is this youngster? Are you and him--" He stopped himself before looking over at Skylar who looked down at his feet knowing what the man was meaning. Jensen's ears were tinted pink, he made a face and rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat.

 "Uh no, sir this is just my friend Skylar who came along with me to visit Ma." He couldn't help but look over at Skylar every so often and feel bad that Dan assumed that. 

 "Sorry for that, Dan assumes stuff like that with every person I'm with."

"Every guy you're with." Dan mumbled. Jensen glared at Dan, feeling like the fact that he's into guys would scare the kid.

"Dan just hush your mouth." Dan laughed at Jensen's comment and held up his hands in defense.

"Okay, Okay, Ogay." Dan quickly left the room to look for Carol before Jensen could go after him. Skylar watched the man leave, he got the gay thing right.. But he knew he would never be good enough to even be with Jensen, yet he still flirts with him but doesn't think Jensen ever notices. Skylar found a spot to set the pie and carefully set it down. Skylar messed with the zipper on his jacket quietly while in thought, not quite paying attention to anything besides his thoughts. He was soon snapped out of it as Carol re-entered the room. He gave her a quiet smile from his spot. Jensen smiled at his mom as she gave the two her biggest smile and rubbed her hands together on her apron. 

"Now let's eat some pie! ... Where did Dan go off to?" She looked around behind her to see Dan catching up to her, scratching his dark brown hair and wiping his brow.

"Woman you move faster than you did in your youngin years!" Dan looked up and inhaled a deep breath before letting it out with a laugh. 

"I got what you wanted though, one scrapbook of the handsome Jensen right over here. Heh." Dan handed it to Carol as she gasped and grabbed it, holding it close to her chest.

"Skylar dear! You want to look at some of these with me? I just got done putting it all together since i've had so much time on my hands lately!"

"Oh, sure." Skylar said glancing at Jensen for a moment before back at his mother. Skylar shifted his weight to his other foot before he took off his jacket, it being hot in the kitchen where they were standing. His scars and tattoos were noticeable, he didn't feel like he should be ashamed of his scars so he wasn't; didn't care if others saw. 


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