Chapter 15

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The next morning Skylar woke confused by the feeling of something or someone on his bare chest. He didn't open his eyes as he laid there for a few more moments trying to remember what had gone on the night before.. He heard soft and gentle snores from whom ever he was holding to his chest. He wasn't even sure where he was until he opened his eyes to see Jensen's adorable face, this jogged his memory. Skylar honestly didn't want to move or let go, the other boy seemed in a peaceful slumber. He lets out a soft sigh, a bit embarrassed of the fact he ended up cuddling the guy. Maybe it was when he was asleep, this was a hopeful thought. Skylar soon noticed the door which was open a jar. He knew that Jensen probably shut it..maybe not.. Being careful not to move to much but he then felt the other boy move slightly in his arms so loosened his grip thinking maybe he had woke the handsome boy sleeping on him from his peaceful slumber. Jensen groaned and rubbed his eyes, which were still closed even after that action. Jensen dug his face more into the younger boys neck, feeling comfortable and liking the smell. He yawned and rolled over to the empty side of the bed, landing on his stomach onto the cold covers that weren't used. He smacked his lips, his mouth feeling dry. The older boy opened his eyes slightly, opening them as if he was wide awake before they slowly closed again, sometimes would shoot open but close once more. Each time Jensen was more confused, thinking something was happening but it didn't really happen. He got so far in a dream that he thought he already had a shower, already dressed, and already downstairs eating breakfast with his mom and Skylar. Skylar quietly as up and stood walking to his bag. He grabbed it and found a tee-shirt. It had a logo for a band he liked on it. He slipped it on and glanced at Jensen. Before he grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and put them on, his back to the other boy. After he did so he sat on the edge of the bed, fixing his messy hair. 

"You awake?" He asked clearing his throat with a small cough. Jensen mumbled from his spot, he turned over onto his back and looked up at the ceiling.

 "I guessssss Ugh." Jensen still had his eyes closed, then rolled over all the way to hit Skylar's back, Wrapping his arms around his waist. "I don't feel like getting uppp. It takes too much work." Jensen held his face into Skylar's hips, recognizing his scent. Skylar was a bit stiff for a moment but he was then relaxed.

 "Did you sleep well then?" He had a slight smile on his lips, a slight tint of pink on his cheeks. Skylar turned his head to try to look at the other boy, but he couldn't see him so he looked over at the door. Jensen inhaled sharply before he sat up, he kept opening his eyes and rubbing them, making sure he was fully awake this time.

 "Yeah totally, got a few hours of sleep thanks to your strong grip." Jensen laughed quietly, he cleared his throat and slid off the bed. He lifted his arms in the air, stretching as he groaned from some bones popping. 


"Oh yeah, sorry for that.." Skylar said softly his eyes shifting to him.

 "Next time I will just sleep on the floor." he shrugged watching the other boys movement. 

"I honestly slept good..but i'm truly sorry about squeezing you in my sleep." He lets out an sigh as he grabbed his jacket from the floor pulling it on along with his shoes. Jensen placed his hand on the top of Skylar's head and just pat it before laughing to himself and walking away to the door, not even bothering with a shirt. 

"It's not that big of a deal, just cuddling man." Jensen walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking around for something to eat. Skylar soon followed when he got down stairs he walked to the table.

 "Hey.." he picked up a outfit, sort of like an anime maid outfit and held it up in front of himself while looking at Jensen. On the table along with the outfits were a photo and props. Skylar looked at the things dreading waking up. 

"I well they have planned our day out today.." Jensen looked behind him to Skylar, he let out a laugh as he saw the maid outfit. 

"Yesss Ha! That's just too good." Jensen walked over to the table, looking at the clothes. He picked up a suit, he couldn't stop his laughing as he imagined Skylar in the maid outfit.

 "Skylar! I demand a peek before we actually do this! Go changeeeee!" Jensen pointed in the direction of the bathroom. Skylar dropped his head. 

"But..I don't want to...It...It's embarrassing.." He sighed as he slowly looked up at the other boy. He kept his head down as he made his way to the bathroom and groaned. Once inside he locked the door looking over the clothing. There was a solid black dress, a frilly apron, white knee high socks, black flats, a frilly headband and garter belts. He sighed a put it all on. 

"Definitely losing my dignity.." He muttered to himself as he looked at himself.

 "Jensen do I really have to do this?" He sighed Maggie's voice came from the other room. 

"Hell yeah you do! Hurry up we all are waiting on you!" Skylar cringed and unlocked the door before poking his head out of the doorway.. While Maggie had appeared in the room she had made Jensen go upstairs to change in his black suit. He came back and felt stiff because of the tight suit he was now wearing. He sighed, putting his hands behind his back and waited for Skylar. He heard him ask if he had to and he only chuckled as Maggie told him he had to. He saw Skylar peek his head out and Jensen smiled at him, as if he was saying sorry about this.

 "C'mon you'll look adorable." Skylar stepped out looking down at his feet. He hated this, so much. He did not look up from his feet. 

"Isn't this dress to short?.." He asked.

"No, its perfect!" Maggie said walking over to him and having him walk closer. She stepped back to look at her work. Carol refused to be there at the photo shoot so it was just her at the moment. 

"I have everything ready, I got a fancy table cloth, nice dishes, a platter, a bell, and Carol baked little cakes!" Skylar looked at Jensen whom he was standing beside.

"She gets way too into this.." he whispered to him with a sigh. She grabbed Jensen by the shoulders and lead him to the table which was set with a beautiful black tablecloth, china dishes and tea cups. A few people entered the room mostly females. 

"They wanted to help! They are working for free even!" a lady with blonde hair walked over to Jensen with some basic makeup and hair tools. She powdered his face and fixed his hair, slicking it back slightly. Another woman was busy with Skylar, adding blush and powder and making his hair look nice. A man was behind a camera setting it up.

"Okay! Places, Jensen sit in the chair but make sure you are sitting up straight. Skylar grab the tray and act like you are setting that tea cup in front of him." There were many poses they had to do but the most uncomfortable one was when Jensen was told to pull the other boys chin close and look into his eyes. At the end of it, about two hours later, Skylar threw his headband at Jensen with a slight smirk and left the room, grabbing his own clothes on his way out. Jensen watched as Skylar walked out, more than likely just staring at his ass that was showing up pretty nicely in the outfit. He looked up to see Skylar smirking on his way out and he only could frown but it was more like disturbed yet in a good way; 'Damn that was nice!' kind of face, but also a 'Well shit...' kind of face. Jensen didn't notice the headband that Skylar had tossed at his face before he felt it hitting him. He finally took his gaze off of Skylar as he left and looked down at the headband, kind of just surprised he went through all of those poses for the photos. The women were just giggling the entire time and wouldn't stop commenting on how cute it all was or how the two looked great for each other. Some women even quietly commented on how the two boys must have felt a little ... bothered because of the pressure in their pants. Then they never stopped laughing because of that. 

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