Chapter 19

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 Jensen followed Skylar up the stairs, he felt only a little awkward since he didn't think anybody really planned cuddling and it kind of just happened but they planned it and he felt awkward but he thought it was actually a little okay since it was Skylar. He entered the room and saw Skylar on the bed, he let out a quiet laugh as he poked the younger boys left side. "Heh you alive?" Skylar twitched a bit and jumped, rolling over.

"Yes I'm alive ya shit." He started to laugh but soon stopped himself. He ignored the 'problem' that had been caused, he just stared up at the ceiling hoping Jensen wouldn't notice the bulge. As he tried to clear his thoughts from all things sinful. Jensen laughed at Skylar's reaction and poked his side again, before of course his eyes traveled to his boxers, they were colorful and it wasn't his fault! Then he noticed something else.. And oh my god oh. Jensen felt he was being a fucking pervert but whatever when he saw the younger boy had a 'little problem' he inhaled sharply and stared straight at the ceiling before he tried not to look again and be a fucking pervert. It could just be random!"God, help me, fore I have sinned." Skylar said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Jensen looked down at Skylar, "Are you praying to me?" He let out a nervous laugh, joking. Skylar smirked a little and nodded.

"In my eyes you are a god, a handsome god.." He paused.


Jensen looked away quickly before covering his face before one more looking at the ceiling and praying to his mother's god to make him think not gay just for a moment so he wouldn't be attracted to this young boy who teased him.

"Heh ah you are one weird guy, tryin to get me goin but you didn't get me hehehhh."

Skylar sat up looking at Jensen.

"Do I need to try harder?" He asked as he tilted his head innocently. He looked into Jensen's eyes before he moved closer to the edge of the bed. Jensen took a step back before he just stared dead straight at Skylar, his ears bright red.

"No, please don't cause you'll be wasting your time, I'm not affected by this." Oh lord was he lying through his teeth. Skylar hopped off the bed.

"It doesn't seem that way now does it?" He asked sweetly as he walked over to the taller boy and hugged him close to himself before putting his arms around his neck. Jensen let out a nervous groan as he tried to get his face and body away from Skylar's own, he set his hands on Skylar's hips to back him up.

"Come on Sky, no, you're high and thinking all weirdly."

Skylar frowned slightly before he lets go, walking back over to the bed sitting down. He didn't speak at all he just laid down quietly now completely ignoring his problem. He felt a little bad for pushing himself onto the older boy but the feeling didn't last to long.

"Can we just cuddle until we fall asleep?" He asked softly. Jensen nodded to Skylar as he walked towards the bed and sat down beside him. He rubbed the younger boys back for a little bit before he laid down with him.

"Well of course we can, but just so you know, waking up from naps isn't an easy thing for me to do heh." Jensen let out a quiet laugh. Skylar smiled slightly and cuddled up to Jensen's chest.

"Mmkay." Skylar got comfortable then closed his eyes.

"You smell nice" He chuckled slightly before he passed out, sleeping. Jensen let out a snort before he quieted down, watching Skylar fall asleep. He actually didn't feel awkward about doing this, he didn't feel like a creep or anything. And it was actually a nice feeling. It took a long while before Jensen himself had fallen asleep, but after he reached above his bed post and shut the window blinds so it could be darker.


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