chapter 14

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Skylar laid down on the bed, knocking a towel onto the floor. Skylar closed his eyes and sighed, he didn't even notice something fell. Skylar lets out a deep sigh and reopened his eyes. He then pulled out his phone taking cute selfies of himself putting them on his story. People saw then and were asking where he was. Some people he knew and were also hybrids but others were just random people who thought he was cute. 'A cute guys house.' is all he said to them, they all were freaking out calling it cute. He blushed to himself before he put his phone on sleep mode, watching the door, waiting for the other boy to be done.  About ten minutes passed before Jensen was out of the shower. He stepped out and reached for the towel on the toilet, except all he grabbed was his clothes he brought in. Jensen looked down and around, seeing if it fell but he didn't see it anywhere. He groaned as he ruffled his hair with his hands. He opened the door only enough for barely a half of him to be seen, 

"Skylar? You around? You see my towel anywhere?" Skylar had managed to fall asleep on his side, slightly curled up.

 "Mm.." he mumbled. His hair was hiding his left eye, the other showing. Jensen waited for an answer, then groaned as he didn't hear anything. He rubbed his eyes, then bolted out of the bathroom, holding his clothes over his crotch, covering himself. He rushed into his room and slammed the door shut, making sure nobody would see him like his mom or if Skylar was out there. Skylar jumped slightly with a small growl, not liking loud sounds. He then spotted Jensen, his back to him. He laid his head down and closed his eyes pretending to still be asleep. Jensen turned around to face the other side of his room, then saw Skylar on his bed. He became tense and made sure the clothes covered him, then he saw that Skylar was asleep. He let out a slightly shaky breath before he looked down over by the bed was the towel. Jensen slowly made his way to the towel and grabbed it, jogging to the closet, opening the door and slipping inside. Skylar opened his eyes slightly to see the other boy enter the closet. He rolled over a bit and relaxed, he closed his eyes once more and sighed to himself. 

 'This is weird. ' Skylar thought to himself. Jensen came out of the closet, the towel on top of his head, drying his hair. There were still small droplets of water going down his back, getting his shorts a little wet but not by much. Jensen looked over at Skylar who still appeared to be asleep on his bed, he sighed and ruffled the towel on his head then threw it at Skylar, trying to hit him in the face as best as he could. Skylar fell off the bed not expecting it. He peaked up his ears and tail now showing. His ears were poking up just above the edge of the bed his eyes followed. "Why, just why." he said from his spot on the floor.

 "That hurtttttt." he said as he moved to his feet. Jensen walked over to the bed and jumped onto it, flicking Skylar's forehead, 

"You fell asleep and I had to sneak in here all ninja like and get the towel." You're lucky i didn't wake your ass up and scar you for life." He chuckled. Skylar went quiet for a moment then spoke. 

"I see, forget your towel?" He asked as he sat at the end of the bed, hugging his tail close. He was completely relaxed yet kind of tired. A small part of him kind of wished he didn't pretend to be asleep..Sky stop thinking like that! He then let out a soft sigh. Jensen groaned as he just rubbed his eyes, looking at the clock he saw it was around 10 at night. He wasn't even tired yet, which was weird because he usually was by now.

 "Well hey you hungry? I know it's late but we havent really eaten anything." Skylar shrugged and looked at the older boy. "Im fine.." He hadn't really had much to eat the last few days but he didn't care. He made his wolf ears and tail go away and sighed.

 "I probably shouldn't, I'm assuming that my master will not want me to so I won't, i'm used to it so oh well." Jensen furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed Skylars hand, walking up to the door then walking out quietly. Hoping not to wake his mom up if she was asleep, it seemed so since all the lights were out. Jensen quickly rushed down the stairs, Skylars hand still in his own. Skylar trips and holds out his hands in front of him, his weight falling onto Jensen. It's a good thing they were on the last step anyways, Jensen looked behind him, he tried to catch Skylar but nope, gravity abandoned him. The wind got knocked out of Jensen as he landed on his back, he felt Skylar land on him and grunted from the pressure on his front. The two heard the lamp beside the stairs fall and break with a deafening sound. Skylar was very confused of what happened, it not registering he slowly pushed himself up, sitting now on the other boy, straddling his lap. 

"Oh.." is all he could get out as the two women rushed down the stairs and saw the two boys. Maggie crossed her arms and looked over at Carol.

 "Called it." Skylar quickly stood up, slightly rubbing on the other boy, keeping his back to the two women. Jensen groans as Skylar stood up, he pushed himself back and sat up, he hugs his knees to his chest carefully.

 "Oh no..." He groaned into his knees quietly... but not quiet enough since the old hag started scooting towards him.

"What's wrong huh? Hmmmm? What's goin on over there??" Maggie teased him, Jensen only stared at her, with an uncomfortable face.

"Oh god go away Maggie."

"Oh my! Is that-!"

Jensen grabbed Skylar's hand and pushed him up the stairs, basically carrying him as he quickly kept tripping up the steps. "Go back to sleep and slip into a coma!" Jensen slammed his door closed and locked it from the inside, hearing Carol say 'Use protection!' Skylar stood on his own two feet.

 "So..They..thought of that the wrong way i'm assuming?" Skylar was sweating so he pulled off his jacket and tossed it aside he also slipped off his shoes. Skylar sat on the edge of the bed looking at Jensen innocently, his hair a mess. Skylar was completely oblivious to the situation.  Jensen looked back and saw Skylar on the bed, it looked a little like.... No no no, Skylar's too innocent, he didn't even really know what a blow job was damn it! Although Jensen was tempted and he scratched his chin. He ran his hands into his hair and onto his face, groaning as he rubbed his eyes. Jensen wanted to just throw that towel he had earlier on Skylar to cover up his face. He kept noticing things, little things like how adorable he was when he was acting all innocent and when he didn't really know how to respond to something and was speechless. Jensen was conflicted, he didn't know if Skylar was trying to flirt with him or if he was just being completely innocent or just fucking sitting on his bed. Jensen slowly walked over to Skylar, he set his hand on the younger boys shoulder then pushed him back onto the bed. Jensen threw a bunch of covers onto him and ran out of the room and into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. Another shower was heard to be started. Skylar was so confused of why the other boy pushed him onto his back and covered him in tons of blankets. He made his way out of them and sat up slowly.

 "I wonder what his prob-" Skylar paused now understanding. His face burned hot.

 'Was I leading him on..or did he get..' Skylar shook his head his face bright red. 

'Why don't I ever understand these things..' He thought to himself as he rolled onto his side.  It took about 20 minutes until the shower was heard turning off, Jensen walked back inside his room with damp hair and a wet towel in his hand. He walks over to the bed and could barely see what was in front of him, he felt around for an empty spot on the bed but felt skin. Jensen was confused and felt a little more thinking it was just a blanket, but he felt a chest and he noticed it was Skylar, he was literally feeling up Skylar. Jensen backed up before feeling a bit of pressure in his shorts, it was becoming strangely familiar more and more today. Jensen turned to go out the door but saw his mom Carol out there using the bathroom and coming out of it.

 "Jensen I swear I will run out of hot water before the night is done because of you, stop using my shower!" Carol groaned and walked sluggishly to her room to go back to bed. Jensen just slowly backed up to the inside of his room, he closed the door, then looked at the bed. He was trying to decide to just ignore the small problem and go to bed or take care of it in his closet. Jensen had morals and he wasn't a teenage boy, he was just going to ignore it and go to bed. He walked over to the bed, climbed over the shirtless boy as best as he could. In the younger boys sleep he grabbed the other boy by his waist and pulled him to his body. Skylar mumbled something in his sleep before he proceeded to cuddle the other boy close to himself. Jensen grunted from the actions Skylar did in his sleep. It was a tad bit uncomfortable, okay who was he kidding, it was Very uncomfortable. Going to bed was the worst mistake of his life. Jensen didn't know what to do, he wanted to try waking Skylar up but it would be such an awkward position to wake up in. It probably looks like Jensen was trying to rape him or something,, he was slightly panicking on the inside. Wanting to wake up Skylar but also not wanting to because he has a fucking hard on against the one who gave him the hard on. So many problems this would lead to. Jensen inhaled sharply and just let himself slowly settle down onto the younger boy, trying his best not to wake him and trying his best not to rub against him. This was actually harder than it seems like. For the rest of the night Jensen tried getting to sleep, sometimes failing, sometimes accidentally rubbing against Skylar's leg which basically killed Jensen.. He just waited until he fell asleep, which was hard but he managed to without moving much. Funny thing is the younger boy was a lot stronger than Jensen thought him to be. 

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