Chapter 21

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Two weeks has passed, Skylar and Jensen had went back home. Jensen was at work and Skylar was out taking care of business for his master. It was getting late and Skylar still hadn't came home and Jensen had began to worry about Skylar, many questions running through his head. 'Why is he late?' 'Is he okay?' were just a few. Jensen waited around in the living room for a while just watching t.v and wait for Skylar to just get back. He fell asleep just a couple of times and went to see if Skylar came back but of course he wasn't. It was bright out with the sun just coming up, Jensen had opened his eyes, he didn't know he fell asleep and it turns out it was 9:00 AM and he could hear his t.v quickly turn to the 9:00 news. The news came on with a special report.

 'We have finally found the man responsible for the recent killings. His name is Skylar Lee Gray the child who had gone missing after his parents deaths, it just makes you think did he kill them?' It then showed a clip of Skylar pulling at handcuffs yelling.

 "Let Me Go. I WIll Rip Out Your Heart And Feed It To Wolves." Skylar had blood on him and his hair was a mess but his face was blurred out. 

'You all can rest easy knowing this insane man is now behind bars but we are still trying to find the mastermind behind it all.' Jensen was staring wide eyed at the news as it turned to other cases, some solved and some just happening. But nothing could get the image out of his head of Skylar covered in blood, yeah he knew Jensen took pills for shit and that he was some messed up experiment that shouldn't exist but he didn't think he killed people. His eyes darted to the clock on the wall in the kitchen then to the door... no no, he wasn't going to just go see his killer boyfriend, he of course was a killer, that's bad, killers are bad... Jensen was already out the door and in his truck already heading to their local jail that didn't hold many people except for those who try robbing mini marts and kids who try to steal something from the dollar store. Jensen parked his truck in the first free parking space he could get into and went inside. He inhaled deeply and saw it was a woman, young in fact, at the desk typing away on the keyboard. Jensen had gotten a little lousy at flirting but he did still have his looks if he needed to see Skylar. He rubbed his neck with a smile and caught the attention of the woman, she smiled back, 

"Hi i'm Jensen miller, I was wondering if there was a way i could see someone by the name of Skylar Gray?" He asked as polite as he could. The woman looked at him wide eyed.

 "That insane man they picked up last night? He is in holding. I can't let you go back there." Skylar was handcuffed to the leg of a table as people was asking him questions and he was ignoring all of them, he even had managed to make a female officer to cry. She ran into the lobby, crying. Skylar could be heard laughing from the lobby. Jensen heard the laughter and silently sighed, he leaned onto the desk, closer to the woman,

 "Well..." He looked at her nametag,

 ". . . Beth, can I just listen in? From the other side of course, I just want to see him is all, I promise I'll be good." He grinning with his teeth showing.

"I shouldn't. . .but. . .I guess, follow me." She led him down two halls and to the holding room two officers where two offices were standing and Skylar was in a chair his feet kicked up on the table, his left wrist handcuffed to the table leg. 

"Who is the person behind this all? There have been killings in other towns and even states. We know you couldn't be there and here." Skylar tilted his head before he sat up straight. 

"Come closer I have a secret." He grinned showing his teeth. The officers didn't movie. 

"I don't bite comeonnn." The two officers asked the question once more. 

"You guys are fucking boring." He said rolling his eyes. Jensen watched from behind the glass and dragged his hand across his face, 

"Oh my god Skylar you ass." The younger officer, Bernard, saw the older man just stay in the background, it was like he was trying to get the killer to confess by looking at him intensely with a 'im very disappointed' face. Bernard watched the killer just look back with a bored face and it pissed him off. 

"You think this is funny you sack of crap! Tell us who the brain is!!" He slammed his fists against the table and leaned forward, trying to intimidate the murderer, 

"Now!!" Yep. . . he felt cool. Skylar throws his head back in laughter. 

"How old are you? You act like you are 12!" He kept laughing and hit his head on the table.. Bernard stares silently at him, he didn't know what to say and he was upset . . . he just wanted justice. He could feel his eyes glossing over making him turn around and his eyes rubbing his eyes as best as he could without making a scene. Bernard turned around with his face red, a single tear sliding down his cheek and his nose slightly running.

 "You-!" Bernard quickly covered his face and rushed out of the room, the older officer grumbling to himself about wanting a new partner.

"That guy seems annoying, I can be your new partner." he smirked as he kicked his feet up, he was allowed to shower so now he was clean and he had a orange jumpsuit but he got them to let him keep his jacket. "Yaknow orange isn't my color and my Jacket cant even make this look good." he complained from his spot.

"Look your flirting to get your way won't work with me." the man said as he rolled his eyes.

"Awe why not?" the man ignored him.

"We need to get back to the questions." he told Skylar.

"But why bother doesn't seem this is going anywhere." the man soon left frustrated. He knew he could slip the cuffs if he shifted but he didn't know who could be watching so he closed his eyes and relaxed.

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