Scene 5: You need to sit down and relax

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I believe one of the most peculiar traits of humanity is their ability to put so much energy into accomplishing absolutely nothing. It's like humans have this skill for wasting energy. Entertainment is something I normally do not believe in, but the numbers show an increase in productivity with the help of some entertainment services. So I allow it.

Dmitry stood from his throne and walked around Edgar enjoying his cannibalistic meal towards Maxim and Natalia. He took out a syringe from his jacket and offered it to Natalia.

"This stimulant will wake her up, and ensure her healing is sped up."

"Thank you so much!" Natalia took the stimulant and injected Olga with it waking her up almost immediately.

"What the fuck." Olga groaned as she became conscious.

"I invite all four of you to enjoy my amusement park free of charge." Dmitry smiled.

"All four of us?" Maxim looked towards Edgar who was still enjoying his human meal.

"Oh no not him. He is already enjoying a gift, but I had a feeling you four would enjoy shall we say more of a casual experience to what he is having." Dmitry made many expressive hand gestures.

"You still aren't saying who the fourth person is." Maxim crossed his arms.

"But I thought you of all people would know, your little brother of course!" Dmitry tilts his head back towards the window that Abram is hiding behind. "You didn't think I wouldn't notice did you?" Dmitry tilted one of his eyebrows.

"Does this amusement park of yours have alcohol?" Olga struggled to get up with the aide of Natalia.

"I have every vintage in the world at my fingertips just for you my lady." Dmitry bowed gently.

"And do you have something for kids?" Maxim asked.

"Of course! The world of Dmitry has something for everyone to enjoy!" Dmitry pat Maxim's shoulder.

A few moments later three naked girls and one naked man came into the room with one of them holding Abram's hand. He was wide-eyed and his mouth was drooling a little from the experience of holding a naked girls hand.

"Bro look this really hot girl is holding my hand! This is great!" Abram shouted and Maxim rubbed his hand against his face while shaking his head.

Natalia giggled at the sight of Abram being so excited about being next to a girl, and Olga rolled her eyes.

"In case you were all wondering why I bring exactly three girls and one man here, well let's just say that I already know what you like if you catch my drift." Dmitry winked.

The male servant walked up to Maxim bowed and said.

"I was requested to be of service to you."

Maxim blushed and shook his head.

"No I.. That is not necessary!" Maxim said.

"Are you sure my lord?" The male servant looked up with piercing eyes.

"Okay. You can stay." Maxim rubbed his head and laughed nervously.

A girl servant walked up to Olga and bowed. Olga wasted no time enjoying her servant as she buried her face into her breasts. This irked Natalia greatly, even though she didn't want to show it. She really has grown a fondness for Olga, and so jealousy and anger took over and she enjoyed her own servant with a kiss to attempt to spark jealousy in Olga. Abram noticed as Olga and Natalia were intimate with their servants and his jaw dropped.

"This place is amazing!" Abram shouted.

"Oh but my young guest the fun has only just begun! Right this way please everyone!" Dmitry started to walk out of the throne room and the group followed.

They went just across a hall into a room filled with smoke and a kitchen hard at work preparing all manner of food.

"Do not worry about the smoke Maxim, it will not hurt your little brother. It's a special kind of substance that actually improves lung function while also making you feel incredible. Just find a seat for four and all of your hearts desires will be provided for you." Dmitry smiled and walked off.

The group sat down and were immediately provided with food as soon as they sat down.

"Hey, you didn't give us a chance to.." Olga looked at the food and drinks in front of her and started salivating. "I didn't even know I wanted this until I got it!" Olga began enjoying her special vintage wine and pancakes laced with cookies.

"Dmitry ordered us to prepare your food as soon as you arrived, he has a knack for knowing exactly what everyone wants and even predicting how things will happen, so he prepared all of this for you since he had a feeling things would happen the way they did earlier." Maxim's servant said.

"He predicted all of this? But how?" Maxim asked.

"The joke goes that he is God and that he is everywhere at once." Abram's servant said as she played with his hair. Abram was in heaven enjoying his hair being played with while also enjoying a giant steak with a slice of cheesecake.

Dmitry popped out of nowhere and said.

"Yes, I am everywhere because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to provide the service my customers need from me. But I am certainly no God. I trust that all of you are enjoying things so far?" Dmitry said.

"I am enjoying the food, thank you Dmitry," Maxim said as he devoured his linguini pasta with chicken.

"How in the world did you know that I love candy from the twenty-first century? It's even better like this when it's not frozen in some abandoned place!" Natalia enjoyed a plate that was piled with many brands of candy such as snickels, twins, Hershels, and Dorks.

"Well, you see Natalia. I make it my business to know my customer. I know all of the recipes for all the famous candy of the twenty-first century, so I simply had my chefs recreate it and then also packaged it in the same manner as well. I truly wanted to create the experience for you that you have happened upon a treasure trove of something you and you alone value." Dmitry bowed again before disappearing. 

Aspiring Archon: The night sky is empty, and it is a reflection of my soulWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt