Scene 10: You are beyond redemption

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Life forms all across the universe always seek out a God to worship and give praise for the good things in their lives. It is because during their evolution towards intelligence they developed the ability to find meaning. This would first represent itself as trinkets they hold onto for sentimental value, and then they would develop languages with meaning plastered onto signals they produce.

Eventually, this evolutionary trait of finding meaning would make them want to find the meaning there is in life and the world around them. If they feel that they live in a paradise they create the idea of these wonderful Gods who bless them for whatever reason. But if they live in a harsh environment suddenly God is this punishing, horrible being.

Because of this knowledge, I created the organization called The Godless. They do research on anything I command them to do, and they do it without any moral consideration. I force them to reach certain quotas of research data a month, and also for them to have at least one breakthrough of scientific discovery once every three months. If they do not meet my standards I do something to intimidate them.

This is why they are The Godless because where they reside there is no God watching over them. Only a master who demands results at any cost. And their lives are always at my fingertips.

Maxim and the group drove up to The Godless installation with Vera like I told them to. Now they are going to ensure that she transitions safely into captivity. The scientists expected their arrival and brought a floating freezer that Maxim could toss her into. Then they escorted the floating freezer through the halls of the facility.

There was screaming coming from every single lab door as they walked through the halls. The labs had windows that you could see through so the experiments could be seen from the outside.

One of the experiments included a man whose ribcage was completely opened up, but he's still alive so you could see his organs pulsating from their functions. His arms and legs were cut off so he hung on a wall with a hook on his back. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if humans could live with their organs exposed for long periods of time because if that is the case this scientist has plans to create a slug-like species that contains all human organs so that they can be harvested at will.

Another experiment included cybernetics. They are slowly ripping out pieces of a subject's bone out of their skin and replacing it with metallic bones of their own creation. So the test subject had many unhealed cuts and stitches. The purpose of this experiment was to study the bodies reaction to the sort of metal used in the fake bone. This scientist believes that if they can find the right metal alloy that the body can interact with that he can create a nearly invincible human being. That their bones would produce substances for the body through nuclear fusion.

A third experiment dealt with a mutation. I told my scientists how I wanted more methods of target elimination. So this scientist thought about creating fighting dogs for me, and to make things sweeter he is finding a way to design them to be in a constant state of sleep. With these battle dogs always asleep It would mean that I could possess them anytime I wanted. In the lab room, there is a cage where two dogs are fighting each other as a test for which breed is stronger. The black dog won by ripping the white spotted dog's throat clean off after they had been wrestling for several moments.

Abram shuddered at all of the science experiments going on in the halls and hid his face in Natalia's sleeve as they walked.

"I'm sorry hun, we will be out of here as soon as we can okay." Natalia said.

"Why couldn't I stay in the car this time?" Abram asked.

"It's dangerous out there the eclipse could rise at any minute now, and I don't want you caught in that," Maxim said.

Abram kept his mouth shut now and did his best to ignore the screaming. He thought to himself what sort of madness does his brother have to go through every day to be able to walk through a place like this without any remorse. This is the world he lives in, and he is just going to have to become tough like his brother he thought.

They finally reached the right research module, so the scientist in charge of Vera took the floating freezer into his research room. Suddenly Valentine came walking down the hallway, his laughter overpowering even the screams of those being experimented on. Olga tensed up at his laughter, but Natalia held her hand to comfort her.

"So I hear that there is a woman who could be torn apart and then she would put herself right back together. Is that right?" Valentine said to the scientist in charge of Vera.

"Uhm yes, that is what this test subject is capable of sir." The scientist said.

"Then I don't think you will mind if I do some testing on her myself?" Valentine smiled.

"Well sir, we need to make sure that she can't escape again. We just got her back thanks to the-"

"Would you look at that!" Valentine cut the scientist off. "It's the woman that I nearly slapped to death." Valentine looked at Olga. "You have had a rough night haven't you?" he came closer to her and leaned over to be face to face with Olga. "Don't worry if you didn't have enough of me last time you can rest in my bed here. The eclipse is almost up and we both know you don't want to be out there when that happens." He taps Olga's cheek degradingly.

"Don't do anything you'll regret," Natalia whispered while still holding Olga's hand.

Olga shook in anger but managed to retain control of herself this time with Natalia holding her hand.

"You know what? I will show you all to the sleeping quarters! Just as a thank you for bringing back my new sex toy back home!" Valentine turned around and waved his hand for them to follow him.

The team followed him even though no one really trusted him. But this time since he is not ripping anyone's limbs off and peeing on them for fun he is at least slightly more sociable. He led them to the sleeping quarters of the research facility and everyone got into a bed. Abram slept with Natalia because he felt safer sleeping with her. Valentine laid down on a bed in the farthest corner.

"I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm totally going to masturbate to all of you sleeping. Don't worry I'll clean up whatever cum gets on you, I'm not a slob." Valentine laughed.

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