Scene 15: You are the reason for all your suffering

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Humans often believe that they are out of control of their lives. They believe that things happen to them, and not that things happen because of their actions. That is one of the worst traits of humanity, they blame everyone else but themselves. They need to shut up, and take responsibility for their life. Even though I do particularly enjoy their cries of suffering. On second thought, keep blaming everyone else but yourself so I can enjoy your suffering.

The team almost reached the specified mission destination. The facility was already in ruin with smoke rising, bodies scattered, and mechs destroyed.

"Woah it looks like someone really messed up their day," Robert said.

"Come on, it's time to find the target and take it down. Stay in the back Robert you are not trained for missions like this." Maxim jogged into the facility.

The giant front doors were bent open, crushed bodies lined the walls.

"The decorator is quite morbid," Natalia whispered.

"This looks like the work of a rogue Abandoned," Chang said.

"My question is why would a rogue demigod run here to attack a Lost facility? Maybe they are after some sort of technology that would enhance their powers?" Robert said.

"I don't care why it's here, our mission is to eliminate the target," Olga said.

The bodies and destruction of machinery painted the way to the target through the halls. Eventually, the trail of bodies stopped, and Raum took over as the navigator for the group.

"Just follow him, he is able to see through walls. So he probably has eyes on the target." Robert said.

A few minutes into the group following Raum they found their target in the main computer systems.

"Supreme Overlord, I am creating this message to broadcast it across all channels so I can warn you of a conspiracy against you and humanity. An organization in the USSR is consorting with Lucifer from the darkness!" The target said into a voice recorder.

"Orders?" Maxim whispered.

"Let him finish the transmission," I said to the group.

"I'm sorry I had to break into this complex and destroy so many of your servants, but I didn't know who I could trust any of your servants could be influenced by now, and I am undoubtedly being chased. I found evidence for a machine that can force Lucifers will onto others, with this machine they could force humanity to rebel against you. Why do you think an entire church went insane only yesterday? You kill anyone who has an inkling of rebellion in their thoughts, so it's impossible for an entire church to think of rebellion all at the same time without outside intervention. They were worshipping Lucifer in that church! You need to stop this before..."

Valentine jumped from the shadows and grew a fin blade from his foot, cutting the targets head off.

"I couldn't have him telling the whole story could I?" Valentine laughed.

Of course, Valentine is part of this, he never respected my authority, and now he conspires against me!

"Send your experiments to fight him, while the rest of you, retreat. You stand no chance against him." I said to the group.

Valentine jumped towards the group as they retreated, but Raum released a bolt of purple energy from its eyes causing Valentine to crash into the computers.

"Very impressive." Valentine stood up and cracked his neck.

Legion spun in circles as the pentagram shaped colony glowed with red light and released a red lazar from the center. The beam impacted Valentine and caused a large explosion that collapsed the room on top of Valentine and revealing the night sky. He laughed demonically and broke the rubble in his shark mermaid form.

"Please show me more of your power, it's so delicious." Valentine swam towards Legion with his trident.

Raum's eyes became bright purple and caused him to attack an illusion of Legion instead. As Valentine attacked the illusion, the real Legion charged another laser beam behind him and unleashed an even greater explosion that destroyed the entire facility. The team barely made it out moments before the explosion.

"What the fuck, you had that kind of firepower in the lab?" Chang said.

"I told you that they could break out if they really wanted to." Robert laughed.

When the dust and rubble settled Valentine had disappeared, while Raum and Legion floated above the rubble.

"Brother you're safe!" Abram came rushing out of the car to embrace Maxim.

"Of course I am, I always protect you remember, so that means I can take care of myself too." Maxim smiled, enjoying the embrace of his brother.

"How touching. You know all of this sentimentality is making me feel quite gay." Valentine appeared in front of the group in his human form.

The group backed away from him, and Abram hid behind Maxim. Valentine grabbed Robert by his neck and lifted him up into the air, turning his head as he observes his face.

"You have so much darkness inside of you, but on the outside, you shine so brightly with positivity. That darkness inside you is the most beautiful I have ever seen. Could it be that your reflection of darkness is Lucifer himself?" Valentine melted away into a shadow and dragged Robert into the darkness before bolting off into the distance.

"What happened to the nice man?" Abram asked.

"I don't know kid, I don't know." Maxim held him.

This was all my fault for not enforcing the demigods more strictly, now I have no idea for certain who is my ally and who is my enemy. I sent a telegram to the Prime Minister of the USSR.

"There are some sects of your government that conspire to release Lucifer's influence upon the world."

"I know." The Prime Minister replied.

"Do something about it!" I said.

"I am the one who conspires against you." The Prime Minister said.

I looked through my servant's eyes that sent and received the telegrams, and I screamed into the servant so loudly he fell unconscious from the pain and then I took over his body and continued sending telegrams myself.

"You are not only forcing the wrath of myself, but also the full wrath of the Old One. You will stand no chance." I telegraphed.

"You have always underestimated demigods. And you are the one who should fear our wrath and the wrath of Lucifer." He telegraphed.

I gave the orders to all of my servants.

"Prepare for war against the USSR."

Maxim looked off into the distance to see the forcefield that protected the cities full of demigods, and he wondered knew this fight would be hard won.

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