Scene 6: You will love the violet moon

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I find that hope is a powerful factor of motivation in humanity. With it even if there really is no hope they can accomplish so much, and without hope, they cannot even find the strength to get out of bed. This is why Dmitry is so valuable, he just knows how to give that sense of hope that will make my operations all the more effective.

After the group finished enjoying their food, Olga became tipsy, Natalia sugar high, Maxim had pasta sauce on his lips and Abram's eyes fell in love with the boobs of the female servants. As the servers noticed that all the food was finished they collected the empty plates and the personal servants took this as their cue to sing and dance. They got on top of the table and erotically danced on each other as music boomed through the room. The ventilation sucked in the smoke and revealed a violet colored moon in the ceiling and stars shining beside it. The ceiling was made to give the illusion of a real night sky before the world fell into total darkness.

The personal servants sang and danced magically, and everyone in the group didn't know whether to be captivated by the servants or by the night sky they could only dream of seeing. They felt a sense of peace and tranquility in the air that none of them had ever experienced before. The environment compelled everyone to become open to each other.

Suddenly Dmitry came into the room again pushing a couch beside the table they sat upon.

"I believe I got a memo that you would appreciate this." Dmitry smiled as he stood back to watch their reaction.

Everyone in the group went to sit on the couch and observed the sights of the naked performers and the beautiful night sky. The music soothed the soul and it's vibrating went up the couch and against their backs. The residual smoke still lingered in their noses, but the scent is like an ocean breeze instead of the toxic residue from normal cigarettes.

Natalia felt happy and content being next to Olga, she reached over to hold her hand. Natalia loved the feeling of her skin and so she traced along the bones of her hand. She looked at Olga remembering all of the beatings she took only a few minutes ago, and she felt a deep sense of pain for her sake.

"Olga, what you did to try and get back at that demigod for what he did to that poor girl was really brave. So I wanted to give you a token of my appreciation to show you how much I appreciate you." Natalia pulled out a card from an ancient card game that used to be played often in the twenty-first century. It was in mint condition. "The name of this card is the brave warrior. I always loved it ever since I found it because it showed a woman fighting, and it depicted her as strong. When I first saw this card when I was little I knew that I wanted to be just like this woman in this card when I grew up. But for the first time in my life when I watched you fight the demigod, I felt I actually saw someone who represented what this card really means."

Olga normally would brush off any sort of emotional gestures like this, but right here under the violet moon and tipsy she took the card and started to kiss Natalia. They kissed deeply and didn't stop. The music picked up its pace and worked in unison with the passion of their kisses.

Abram became pumped by the music and was filled with a wanderlust of all the sights in the room, so he stood up to observe the dancers up close, and put his hands on the table feeling it rumble to the music and the dancer's footwork. He was in awe of the women's breasts and how they bounced around. It was a mesmerizing experience.

Now Abram changed his focus on the night sky instead. He realized just how wonderful life must have been in the past when this was what people got to see every single night. He became nostalgic for a time he never even had a chance to experience.

Staring at the stars and the moon on the ceiling he began to reflect on himself and who he is. In this contemplation, he remembered many moments when his brother snapped at him, and he felt that maybe he is just an annoyance to his brother. He walked over to Maxim with his head hanging low from the negative internal thoughts.

"Brother, why are you so mean sometimes?" Abram asked.

"I don't mean to be. I just get stressed sometimes, and everything that I do it's really all for you. I fight very hard to protect you and to try and find a way for you to keep your childhood even in a world like this. Because honestly when I was your age, I was never given the chance to be a kid because dad was never there. So when you were born I decided that I would do everything I could to make sure you could live a childhood I never had. And when mom died giving birth to you I just had to become colder so I could still do what I promised to you when you were born. I am sorry for being so cold towards you sometimes." Maxim let out a deep sigh.

"Hey, I'm twelve! I am practically an adult now! So you don't have to worry about me anymore okay big brother? I can take care of myself!" Abram smiled innocently and gave Maxim a thumbs up.

Maxim couldn't help but laugh at Abram's ignorance so he patted his head and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, you sure are a big man now." Maxim said.

"Hey! I can tell you are being sarcastic!" Abram pouted.

As Abram pouted Natalia and Olga were slowing down their kisses and Natalia noticed his adorable scrunched up face.

"Aww! He looks so cute! Why are you sad? Come here and sit on my lap I'll make you feel better." Natalia gestured for him to come over to their side of the couch.

Abram got so excited that a woman was telling him to come get close to her, so he rushed right on over and plopped onto her lap. She wrapped her arms around him tight and held him, and he could feel her breasts touching his back so his heart was racing.

"Do you feel better now hun?" Natalia asked.

Abram nodded and enjoyed the womanly embrace as he looked up at the sky in awe.

"The sky is so beautiful, isn't it? I used to read all sorts of books I found on astronomy. I always found the pictures of the star constellations in the books were so incredible." Natalia said.

"I have seen a lot of movies, where the characters look up at the stars and now I am here looking up at stars just like they are." Abram said.

Olga watched as Abram and Natalia stargazed and wondered why the sky didn't seem as beautiful to her as it did to them. She wondered if maybe there was something wrong with her that she couldn't enjoy the simple pleasures that everyone else does. She thought about how the only things that really give her pleasure in life were the affection of a woman and the accomplishment of conquest in a fight. It made her wonder just how beautiful life could feel if she just could appreciate the simple things the same way Natalia does.

Aspiring Archon: The night sky is empty, and it is a reflection of my soulOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora