Scene 12: You can't even make me break a sweat

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Humans desire to be challenged is one of my favorite qualities about them that make them suitable as my servants. In the past humans would waste this potential for growth by playing video games to challenge themselves. Now, humans are being used as they should be, regardless of their numerous quirks.

Valentine's announcement drew the crowd into a frenzy! The other demigods surrounded him.

"Let the fight Begin!" Valentine shouted.

Vadik made the first attack, but Valentine raised his hand and released a projectile of spherically spinning blades. The sphere shredded Vadik into a ground meat. Dominika turned invisible and used her swords to attack from behind. He embraced the sword into his flesh and smiled. His body sucked the swords in and sealed the wound. Dominika reached for another weapon but Valentine ignored her and punched Vadik who came back for more punishment.

Vitality unleashed the mist in a steam towards Valentine, but he just crouched and crawled at rapid speed toward Vitality. Nina covered Vitality in the black flame, making Valentine fly through him. Dominika made a hand sign that turned her team invisible. Nina caught Valentine in the black flame and barraged him with the dark hands she summoned. Vitality smirked and played patty-cake with the dark hands.

Vitality clenched his fist making Valentine freeze in time. Nina used her dark hands to smash Valentine while he was immobile. She continued her attacks while Vadik raised his arms towards Valentine. His arms shook while Valentine started to age like time raced. Vitality fell to the floor and gasped for air allowing Valentine to move again, but Dominika made a new hand sign that silenced all of Valentine's senses.

Valentine's body crumbled before the onslaught of the team of demigods, after minutes of constant beatings they left Valentine's body shriveled. The demigods each relaxed in their own way, and the crowd gasped.

"Brother they actually beat him!" Abram shouted.

The man with long black hair smirked from seeing someone so full of life.

From Valentine's mouth, a shadow emerged that deflated his body while it rose into the air. It took the shape of a shark mermaid, and its human torso wore spiked armor.

"Finally I get a challenge that is worthy of my true form!" Valentine laughed demonically.

Valentine swam through the air and summoned a trident to throw into the arena. On impact, the trident released dozens of shadow sharks that swam in the air just like him. The shadow sharks ripped Vadik to shreds and swallowed everyone else whole. The demigods lashed out within the shadow sharks, but their stomachs were an unbreakable prison.

Valentine watched as Vadik went through the cycle of regeneration and destruction and grew a penis to masturbate.

"I will have to keep Vadik in my prison one day, he can take it really rough. And I love that." Valentine said as he ejaculated shadow sperm all over Vadik's mutilated flesh.

I already knew that even the four of them together didn't stand a chance against Valentine. Still, It is always horrifying to witness such an overwhelming display of raw power, even if I do not need to fear my consciousness to be snuffed out. The only thing I fear is the possibility of losing my consciousness because without it I am nothing. I suppose even I cannot evolve past the need for fear.

Fear is a wonderful thing to witness from afar because it can stroke my ego to see life cower before me. But witnessing this display of supernatural strength makes me reconsider my own mortality. If this is something other life forms are capable of, what are others capable of? Could I be snuffed out of existence like some pathetic species that couldn't adapt to its environment?

I wonder if Valentine fears anything, his form is so invulnerable that I believe he may truly be unkillable. Is this creature that evolved from mere humans the next step in evolution? Am I now outdated after watching an uncountable number of species submit to me? I once believed that I was the ultimate organism, but now I am not so sure anymore.

After thirty minutes of keeping the other demigods trapped he released them. The shadow sharks all entered his body, and then he shrunk into his human shape and turned his exterior from shadows into flesh.

"I believe it is safe to say that I am the victor!" Valentine announced.

The crowd was in silence from the display they witnessed for the past thirty minutes, and all the demigods were bruised and battered.

"Brother I'm scared," Abram whispered as he cried into Maxim's shoulder.

"It's okay, I am here to protect you." Maxim held him tightly in his arms.

Olga thought to herself how would she be able to fight against something that is so unbelievably powerful? Her brow furrowed and she looked at Natalia who was holding her hand.

"I'm lucky I even survived against a monster like that," Olga said.

"That is what makes you so amazing, you fought that thing even though all the odds were completely against you," Natalia kissed her slowly.

The man with long black hair watched as Maxim comforted his little brother, and felt moved.

"Hello, my name is Robert. I noticed that you were so close to your little brother and just wanted to say that I think it's wonderful. You don't get to see that kind of love very much anymore." He said.

"My name is Maxim, and this is Abram, it's nice to meet you," Maxim said.

"I am a scientist, it's just kind of funny." Robert took out a cross he has hidden in his shirt. "I work for an organization called The Godless, and yet I pray to god every chance I get. I suppose I got it from my parents. They work for the church. I know that a lot of the stuff the church does is to brainwash people to serve our society, but I just can't help but want to believe that there is a God out there who cares about all of us," Robert put his cross away.

"It's good to have hope in a world as hopeless as ours. Sometimes I look up at the sky and become aware of just how empty it is. And sometimes I wonder how can we find our way back to our humanity? Without the hope of the stars or the reflection of the moon to guide us how can we reach for a better tomorrow?" Maxim said.

"By reaching for the ones you love." Robert smiled.

Aspiring Archon: The night sky is empty, and it is a reflection of my soulWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu