scene 9: You are doomed to repeat history

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  One of the truths that are inescapable for all that exists including myself is we are all doomed to repeat something that has already been done. Not even the act of doing something that no one else in your species has done before is simply repeating the act of pushing the boundaries of your species perceived limitations. The entire universe is made up of a limited amount of stories, and we are all destined to repeat those stories in our own image until the day we cease to exist.

Olga turned the key of her car, but the engine sputtered and refused to turn on.

"Fuck my car is trashed just like yours," Olga said to Maxim.

"I would be more than happy to help escort you to your destination" Dmitri presented his limousine.

"Yeah, let's go with him, bro!" Abram said as he drooled over the Fox Girls sitting in the limousine.

"Well, It's not like we have a choice." Natalia rolled the sphere body of Vera into the limo.

Everyone piles into the limo. Maxim sits in a corner and rests his eyes with his head against the window. Natalia and Olga sit together, while Abram sat on Natalia's lap.

"Looks like your brother is exhausted," Natalia said.

"He hasn't slept for over a week, so whenever he doesn't have to do anything he tries to make his eyes rest," Abram said.

"Why doesn't he sleep?" Natalia asked.

"He always tells me it's to make sure I'm safe," Abram said.

"He must really love you," Natalia said.

"He doesn't tell me he loves me." Abram looks down.

"There are more ways to tell someone you love them than just by telling them that you do," Olga said.

"Yeah believe me she would know," Natalia whispered into Abrams' ear and they chuckled together.

"What are you two laughing about?" Olga asked.

"Nothing!" Natalia smirked.

"Right." Olga crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"When I was a little girl about your age. I met Olga who was my age. We both were on the streets at night and in churches by day. But Olga was always a fighter, even when she was little. She was always training and stealing weapons from adults so she could practice using them. However, I excelled at computers and building things even when I was little. So one day I decided to make Olga a gift as a token of our friendship. I made her a powerful pistol that she still uses to this day." Natalia looked at the pistol holstered on Olga's waist.

"You were always so good at all of that technology stuff, I was just good at killing stuff," Olga said.

"She's good at other things too." Natalia suggestively raised one of her eyebrows at Olga.

"You are always so gay Natalia," Olga said.

"We are both gay remember?" Natalia laughed.

"That is not what I meant, but whatever." Olga leaned back and smiled.

"I wonder why those girls don't talk." Abram looked at the stoic Fox Girls

Olga observed the fox girls and took in their serious faces and uninformed posture.

"They look like to me they are not really all there like they are just always waiting for orders. I have seen this before." Olga said.

"Where did you see it?" Abram asked.

"I saw this sort of behavior when I was growing up. My father acted just like them." Olga said.

"You never talked about your father," Natalia said.

"I don't plan to talk about him now either," Olga said.

"But you just brought him up!" Abram said.

"And that was a mistake on my part, I should have said nothing." Olga inched away from Natalia.

"I'm sorry," Abram said.

"They are most likely chosen since birth to go through brainwashing. Only a human who had gone through intense training since they could walk would ever be as skilled as they were in that fight. I have no idea how Dmitri was able to keep up with them, it's like he's just supernaturally great at everything. And for the record, I do love you, Abram. I'm sorry I don't really say it often." Maxim said with his eyes closed.

"You know, we hear you talking about us like we aren't here." A Fox Girl said.

"You talk!" Abram bounced on Natalia's lap.

"Yes, we are more than capable of talking. We were simply meditating to commune with the Great Fox." The Fox Girl said.

"Oh great, so you guys are part of a cult." Olga sighed.

"The Great Fox is as real as you or I, the only difference is he lives in a world separate from ours." The Fox Girl said.

"Right. What a bunch of weirdos." Olga whispered.

"So when you speak to this Great Fox, what is he like?" Natalia asked.

"Are you seriously entertaining this bullshit?" Olga said.

"Be respectful, you never know what you might learn from people you see as weird. I'm sorry, please continue." Natalia said.

"The Great Fox gives us insight into the world around us and gives us a place to train our souls so that we may gain great strength. In our time of need, he gives us his power to help ensure our victory." The Fox Girl said.

"So let me guess, this Great Fox gives you powers through those cute little buttplugs you always have up your ass?" Olga snickered.

"It is a grounding stone to allow the Great Fox to become one with us. The tails act as a conduit for him to enter us." The Fox Girl said.

Olga burst out laughing and rolled over to her side.

"So he can enter you!" Olga mocked.

"I am terribly sorry for her rude behavior." Natalia winced.

"The Great Fox tells me of her great internal suffering, so it is good that she laughs for the sake of her mind." The Fox Girl said.

"What the fuck do you know about me?" Olga's face turned serious.

"I know nothing, but the Great Fox knows much about many things." The Fox Girl said.

"Don't fuck with me!" Olga said.

Natalia grabbed Olga's thigh.

"Don't you see how serious they are? They aren't trying to make fun of you. They probably do have some sort of mystical thing happening." Natalia said.

"Or she just overheard me talking about not wanting to talk about my dad, and then made an assumption off that." Olga stared at the Fox Girl.

"It was no assumption. The Great Fox knows of your father's suicide. He knows the things he said to you before he killed himself in front of you. The Great Fox knows of everyone's strong emotions because he sees them in his world." The Fox Girl said.

Olga stood up aggressively and Natalia grabbed her wrist.

"Don't do it," Natalia whispered.

"I never told anyone that," Olga said.

"The Great Fox does not need us to speak, only to feel." The Fox Girl said.

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