Scene 19: You never really existed

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Humans are prideful creatures who believe their existence matters in the grand scheme of the universe. In reality the entirety of their species biomass is equal to less than a grain of sand compared to their sun. They like to believe that the legacy left behind by their existence was meaningful. But that meaning they create the illusion of only matters to other humans, and eventually when civilizations fall and new languages arise, that meaning they worked so hard to create won't even be understood.

"I saw you checking out those girls we were with three nights ago. That thick bitch is fine as fuck am I right?" Chang said to Abram.

"She is really hot." Abram said.

"Do you mind not twisting my little brother into some pervert?" Maxim cleaned his crossbow.

"Hey, fucker he's already a pervert. I'm just speaking real to real, you know?" Chang said.

"Whatever. Just be ready to defend. I don't want you to be so preoccupied by an erection that you can't get the job done." Maxim packed arrows into a quiver.

"Trust me, I have no problems with that. I'm all bionics down there mother fucker." Chang laughed and patted his crotch.

A high pitch ring tormented all of the soldiers of the oxygen production facility, including the group. Along with the disorienting sound a voice called out, while images of a being sitting on a ivory throne flickered in their vision.

"I am the one true God, I gave up my only son so that you may be forgiven. Worship me and your place in heaven will be ensured."

"Hey, snap out of it fucker!" Chang smacked Maxim with his elbow.

The sound of gunfire and explosives echoed in the background.

"What happened?" Maxim groaned on the floor.

"It looks like they are using that weapon that can turn us against each other. My cybernetics were the only thing that saved me from being turned I think, and since I noticed you fuckers started acting funky I smacked ya'll a bit hoping you wouldn't go crazy like everyone else. Looks like it worked." Chang extended his arm to help Maxim get up.

"What about Abram?" Maxim asked.

"Oh, he's still knocked out, that poor fucker. I'm sorry for being too rough with him." Chang said.

"No, thank you. If he turned rouge from that signal he would have been killed. I'd take him with a few bruises over being dead any day." Maxim brushed Abram's hair with his fingers.

"Okay, so the situation is pretty bad. The demigods broke through while we were being forced to fight each other. There are so many of them everywhere, we are lucky this room was not hit yet."

"I have a feeling this facility will not last any longer. If most of our own soldiers are fighting each other, it's only a matter of time before this place is destroyed." Maxim threw Abram's unconscious body over his shoulder.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." Chang's arm transformed mechanically into a machine gun with a grenade launcher attachment.

"I didn't know you could do that," Maxim said.

"There's a lot you don't know I can do motherfucker," Chang said.

Maxim and chang made their way through the hallways, Chang used his augmented vision to detect human targets with irregularities in their soul wavelengths. Those affected by Lucifer had a whiter glow to their soul, which prompted Chang to gun them down before they could attack. Maxim turned around and shot his crossbow into thin air, but as the arrow traveled through the air it pierced through the head of an invisible demigod that became visible upon death.

"How the fuck did you do that?" Chang asked.

"I smelled him," Maxim said.

The team continued to make their way through the hallways until they came upon a large entrance hall filled with Lucifer influenced soldiers. Chang held Maxim back from turning the corner and backed to the safety of cover.

"The entire room is filled with fuckers," Chang said.

Nina walked through the front door with her body engulfed in black flame, and two uzi's in hand. The soldiers all fired at her, but all their bullets passed right through her. She used her dual Uzi's to gun down every single soldier in the room.

"Maxim, I know you are there. I know this is hard to believe, but I want to help you." Nina said.

"How do we know we can trust you bitch?" Chang shouted.

"Please, you need to trust me. There is not much time until.."

Nina was interrupted by a powerful blast of energy breaking through the wall behind her. A woman in high heels clicked her way through the destruction. A lollipop rested in her mouth, and a black military uniform covered her petite body.

"So, I see you became a little pussy and decided, committing mass genocide was a horrible thing." Zia spun her tongue around the lollipop.

Zia charged with electricity and a bolt of energy shot from her breaking the wall Chang and Maxim hid behind, and then Abram floated away from Maxim's shoulders towards her.

"I will just take this, thank you very much." Zia winked.

As she winked a large charge of energy formed in front of her eye. Nina used this time to cover Maxim and Chang in her black flame. The next moment the energy burst forward like lightning that demolished the oxygen production facility. As Zia walked away the energy was still emitting from that same point leaving nothing standing or alive. Maxim, Chang, and Nina were the only ones left.

"Give me my brother!" Maxim shouted as he chased after Zia.

Zia ignored Maxim and floated away with Abram by her side.

"Why didn't you save him?" Maxim screamed at Nina.

"I couldn't do anything. All I could do was save you two." Nina said.

Maxim punched her in the face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him. I wish I could have." Nina looked at Maxim with tears in her eyes.

Maxim screamed and pounded the earth with his fists.

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