Scene 13: You have to hold on to those you love

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Humans connections to the world around them are both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. They chase after what their heart wants, but sometimes this chase leads to their own destruction. When humans become comfortable they start to connect to less important things in their environment. That is why I threaten all of my servants with death if they always fear for their lives they will follow that connection they have to their own mortal flesh.

With the demigod duels complete the crowd of scientists left to continue researching. Robert stayed with the group striking a conversation with them.

"So how did you guys end up here? Most of the time we don't have visitors from the outside." Robert asked.

"We brought an escaped experiment, and when we came here to drop it off the eclipse rose so we are stuck here until it's night time," Maxim said.

"Do you have any food that's any good around here?" Natalia asked.

"Yes we do, why don't you follow me?" Robert led the group to the cafeteria.

A crowd stuffed the cafeteria. Machines prepared food on an assembly line and provided to the next in line. The food disappointed Abram because the food being served looked more like a block of brick. Robert brought the conversation to the table when they found a place to sit.

"So has he put any thought into which organization he will join?" Robert looked at Abram.

"No. He hasn't. And I intend for it to stay that way." Maxim said.


"I don't want my little brother to have to worry about that kind of stuff, he needs to enjoy his childhood while he still has one." Maxim interrupted Robert.

"Do you really think anyone could have a childhood in a world like this?" Olga asked.

"I take on three times the jobs given than anyone else so that Abram can go to base and watch movies and eat popcorn. I was never given that chance." Maxim snapped.

"I guess the question we should be asking is exactly how should we define a childhood?" Robert asked.

"That's actually a good question," Natalia said.

"To me, a childhood means not having to worry about things, and being able to enjoy the simple things in life," Maxim said.

"But is that really a childhood? To me, we should always enjoy the simple things in life, and we should always try and reduce the stress we feel because otherwise, we become insane. If your definition of growing up is being stressed and not enjoying the simple things, aren't you just giving up your sanity?" Robert said.

"How are you so calm in a scary place like this Robert?" Abram asked.

"Well I may not always like what I am forced to do to make scientific breakthroughs, but what I do to find peace in that is to enjoy music. The music distracts me from the world. As for the threat of death if I don't do a good enough job. I figure that it's just best to not really focus on imagining what may happen and instead focus on what is happening right now. Even if I die this moment, that would be fine because I am sitting here enjoying the company of four new friends. What better way is there to die than with friends by your side?"

The cafeteria doors were kicked open by a man wearing full military grade body armor, and a helmet with three lenses for each eye.

"All right faggots. All of you know why I'm here. You know if you've been keeping up with the research quotas or not, so if you know that you didn't do your shit right just stand up and make my job easier." He announced.

The entire cafeteria stayed silent, and one of the scientists started trembling.

"Noone? Fine. Scientist number 100103 get the fuck up here right now." he said

The trembling scientist stood up.

"Did I say to get up here tomorrow? Fuck, follow instructions!" he said.

"Come on Chang give her a break, not everyone can be so relaxed under your intimidating gaze," Robert said.

"Shut your mouth fucktard." Chang punched Robert in the face, knocking him to the floor.

Chang went into the tables and dragged the scientist out into the open floor.

"You see this slut? She didn't do her job right. So I'm going to fuck. Her. Shit. Up." Chang pounded on her.

Chang continued to beat her until her jaw broke loose and dangled.

"Look at that! Isn't it a work of art!" Chang grabbed her head and dragged her around to show off her broken jaw.

He stomped on her back and continued until there was a loud snap. Her ribs collapsed, and her internal organs crushed. She coughed out blood and dribbled all over the floor.

"All right so sadly she's the only one out of all you fags who fucked up this time, so I don't get to have any more fun. But good fucking job from the rest of you doing your job. I appreciate work ethic, and as you can tell I take great pride in my work ethic too." Chang kicked the scientist in the head, concaving her skull.

Chang walked over to Olga and Natalia checking out their bodies.

"God damn you girls are a sight for sore eyes. Most bitches in here look like a rat in makeup, so it's always great when a pretty faces roll around. My apologies by the way for the mess. I don't normally hit women, but you know jobs a job." Chang shrugged.

"Real smooth Chang, already trying to hit on the ladies when they just saw you beat one to death." Robert laughed on the floor.

"Some bitches would find watching me work hot because they would know that I am very rough in bed. Bitches love being rough handled." Chang said.

"Whatever you say, man, you got me good." Robert winced as he tapped on his new black eye.

"That's what you get for interrupting me while I work faggot. I'd kill your ass too if you didn't do your job so well." Chang walked out the cafeteria. "Later faggots!" He shouted.

"Sorry about him. He can be very rude sometimes." Robert directed to the group.

"Thanks for getting him off our backs," Olga said.

"It's not a problem at all, say Abram you like watching movies right?" Robert asked.

"Yes, I love movies!" Abram said.

"I have the perfect thing for you then. Come on everyone, let me show you my lab." Robert led the group.

Robert's lab pounded with music, ants and ravens suspended in test tubes along the wall, and a pair of goggles rested on the desk. Robert picked up the goggles and placed them on Abram.

"These goggles have millions of movies on them, and all you have to do is think about what you may like to watch and it plays the movie that it deems the best to appease your taste," Robert said.

"This is amazing!" Abram's jaw dropped.

Secretly he was watching a porno, the goggles picked up on his inner desire for the woman's form.

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